All Star
I loved Hitler 7 which just came out but I've out grown them
I said before the album came out that I wasn't high on a Daringer produced album and what's my complaint about this album; Daringer. I have no critique about Benny, Conway, or Gun just the production. The beats don't shift in tone enough for me and I don't like albums like that because they end up sounding like one drawn out song.
No one asked for them to change the formula or sound. Their sound is bigger than Daringer.
I guess that's where we differ. It isn't a problem for me. I enjoy the album. Griselda has dropped at least 6 albums this year. all with different but still consistent sounds. It seems like a lot of folks had bigger expectations because this was a "major" release, but for me i like the fact they stuck to the script. I definitely feel where you are coming from but it's just not a problem for me. plus they told us this is what the album would be before it dropped. We knew it was all Daringer beats and we knew what Daringer was before hearing this All of his pros and cons.