I swear this what I been tryna tell folks.
Only thing I disagree with is the hanging out with parents thing. When my momma turned 50 I took her out to the hookah lounge. I done chilled and drank with my momma multiple times on get togethers.
I wasnt really talking about hanging out with your parents as a grown adult. I meant when you see adults out and interacting with young people today, you can hardly distinguish the difference in energy. Adults back then had adult energy imo. You see adults and kids talking today,theres hardly any juxtiposition. Sitting around talking about "Yall been watching the YSL trial". My mama talking to me and my friends like peers wouldve looked like a spoof lol .Maybe our parents just let themselves ago alot earlier,at least their youth. Gen X and Millienals clinging on for dear life. So its hard to knock kids for how they act when alot of these adults act like they want to be peers with,and get approval from the youth
Do kids even have examples to follow of what maturing looks like? Im sure it will happen naturally eventually. But better examples i believe would quicken the proccess.