Uptown Thoroughbred
No. What we do nowadays is NOTHING and then call the people who do ANYTHING *checks notes* Russian bots.This is how it was back in the day,different organizations had different ideologies and methods.
No. What we do nowadays is NOTHING and then call the people who do ANYTHING *checks notes* Russian bots.This is how it was back in the day,different organizations had different ideologies and methods.
Well until these movements (FBA/ADOS, etc) land effective meaningful, and impactful results that have better the lives of Black people, and not just talk and put on a show, I'm not choosing or trusting movements being led or associated with shoddy individuals and personalities over an established organization that has been known to fight for Black advancement and rights while leading by example with the results and credibility to show for it.I agree its not cool to tear down the NAACP by implying theyve never done anything,or that they were always working for whites as agents. I do not believe that to be the case. But I do think its perfectly acceptable to shyt on the NAACP of today and call them out as an outdated,comprimised,relic.
If its not okay to call them out,its not okay to call out other black groups,movements like FBA/ADOS. This is how it was back in the day,different organizations had different ideologies and methods. If the NAACP wants respect in 2024 they need to start making sense. And apparently ADOS,FBA,#NoVote is making a lot of sense to black people at the moment.
No. What we do nowadays is NOTHING and then call the people who do ANYTHING *checks notes* Russian bots.
But we need to come together…
Take care of yourself and your families brehs and brehettes. Ain’t no “we”. That’s why when I hear the south is better for black people, yet I see the crackas doing the most down there, I have to turn off my ears. “We” have no agenda and can’t even agree on reparations or what to call ourselves.
A sad state of affairs.
I don't understand Black folks against reparations. Like WTF?!
I wouldn't say I'm against it, moreso feel we don't need them. Too many black folks out there eating good. What's stopping us from getting up, getting a valuable trade or skill or going to school?
Nothing, that's a separate issue. Our ancestors worked for it and the wealth disparity among us and white folks is astounding. It needs to be somewhat corrected. Pay us like you owe us.I wouldn't say I'm against it, moreso feel we don't need them. Too many black folks out there eating good. What's stopping us from getting up, getting a valuable trade or skill or going to school?
I will instead say how long have they been having these discussions
The NAACP originally established our policy position on reparations dating back to 1991, as embodied in H.R. 40, that demands that the United States Government take immediate action to commence hearings and to establish a congressional commission to examine the issue of reparations for descendants of enslaved persons of African descent.
In 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2016, 2019, and again in 2022, the Association reaffirmed and continues to stand in favor of financial reparations to African Americans and those of African Descent in the United States that are descendants of the slavery and the Jim Crow Era.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP reaffirm its support of H.R. 40 and urge Congress to enact the bill into legislation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP support the expansion of H.R. 40 to include the actual payment of reparations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP support the research and development of reparations litigation in the event that H.R. 40 is not passed or fails to provide reparations to African Americans.
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Convention re-affirm the previous policy of the NAACP adopted in 1997 on Reparations H.R. 40 for African Americans
and where have they gotten in that timeline?
In early 2021, the committee began its unique congressional educational project by providing every member of our new 117th U.S. Congress with a copy of the book, From Here to Equality, Reparations for Black Americans In the Twenty-First Century. More information is shared below regarding the project. In Spring 2021, the committee called more than 400 members of Congress, including every member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, during the lead up to their historic markup of H.R. 401. The committee continues to engage legislators through Chapter Conversations. In June 2021, the committee had a Chapter Conversation with Assistant Speaker, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, who serves the Fifth District of Massachusetts, on A Political History of America's Black Reparations Movement.
start having presidential candidates on their platforms and you're telling me the NAACP are the serious ones?
I have that, I'd raise you with In The Almost Promised Land by Hasia Diner.I'd recommend pairing this book with Gerald Horne's "Communist Front? The Civil Rights Congress, 1946-1956" - both make a fantastic read together.
nikkas still falling for blackface organizations?
They were compromised from the beginning but dudes never do any research beyond surface level
Marcell is a proud gay man and he’s brilliant. What’s the issue? He’s a school teacher now.I will also add, the person leading that group, the feminine man with the dreads, acting like he on a runway.
That is Marcell, and Tariq loves him.
Well Marcell, was caught SUCKING dikk IN ALLEYS
Yes Marcell was either a gay prostitute or a freaky man who liked to suck dikk in back alleys.
THAT is who is being pushed to destroy the naacp.
I wonder if one of the white dikks he was sucking was a republican.
Marcell is a proud gay man and he’s brilliant. What’s the issue? He’s a school teacher now.
I thought about leaving America and heading to Guyana, but then I said to myself "Why would I leave my home land and go to a country, where people there are trying to leave their home land like how @Billy Ocean family did and come to my home land."
I fell better staying in my home land and fighting, knowing I did not flee like a coward..