I would like to know what benefit there is in voting for a Democrat? We've had a Democratic president for the past eight years and the country is still the same. Only people that Obama has helped is the gay and transgender community. With their right to marriage. Which I have no issue against. That's what his legacy will be known for. He didn't do much for anyone else. Even Michelle did something with her whole weight loss thing for kids. Which I greatly support. We do have an obesity problem and it needs to be taken care of. Too much unnecessary ingredients and chemicals in food and products that are bad for us. I'd support more programs to promote health and safety in our youth. Plus it gives them something to do, like sports and activities. I think there was a thread in here on how the average American has gained do much weight compared to forty years ago. I think it was about women but don't remember.
So if Hillary gets elected, who's gonna wear the pants in the white house, her or Bill?
What are the democrats going to do for us? Let's see. They're for abortions, or rather a woman's right to choose. Which I don't agree with. Unless it's thru rape or incest or something. There's plenty of methods out there to prevent pregnancies, like condoms and birth control. Killing a fetus during the middle of a pregnancy is wrong and could've been avoided before. Condoms cost way less than an abortion.
They support government assistance programs like welfare. Programs which are needed but funded by taxpayers money.
They want to restrict gun control and the right to bear arms. A necessity these days especially with the increase in crime. Criminals are going to get weapons regardless. Everyone should get a gun for safety and protection only.
They support illegal immigration. Now I have no issue with that. But it depends on the person. There's a difference between a law abiding citizen and a criminal. I don't mind having people here that will obey the laws. But yet again, there's so many complaints on here about how illegal immigrants are taking so many jobs and black people are suffering because of it. There should be an easier process to become a citizen but there isn't. Maybe we should help those countries like Mexico to improve. But then again, the war on drugs is putting so many dollars in politicians pockets that they have no reason to stop it. And if anyone thinks that this new amendment to make marijuana legal for medical purposes and have dispensaries, will stop the flow of drugs into this country or the war on drugs, then they're dead wrong.
The democrats want to control the people and believe that there should be a universal healthcare. Look at how much of a failure obamacare has been. There will never be free healthcare in this country. Not only will it mean more taxes for the citizens, since doctors and everyone in the medical field needs to get paid somewhere, but the government choosing the options for you.
Now I do believe that the environment is important and i know democrats support it mostly. I think that should be a huge focus. Finding better renewable resources, conservation, helping keep the planet clean and safe. Look at the recent pollution issues like the one in flint Michigan, and a few others these last few years. We need to decrease pollution and help the planet. And that's not just us but every country.
Which brings me to foreign policy. I read once that the U.S. Spends so much on military compared to the second highest country. I'll support a cut in military spending. Now I'm not saying a drastic cut, but atleast 5% and that should still have us at a huge advantage over the next country. But the U.S. Is so hated because of their involvement in foreign politics that they have no choice but to be prepared. Let's see what happens with Syria since last i heard, the rumor was a war with them and Russia. I don't know if it's religious or political reasons this time.
To me, democrats seem to appeal to immigrants and the poor. Not saying that I'm rich in any way. But i do make more than the required limit in order to receive any benefits the government offers. And just barely. Even if I lived by myself i still wouldn't qualify. I just don't see the benefit in voting for the Democratic party.
And lastly there's this notion that minorities, especially blacks, are screwed if Trump becomes President. As if there's gonna be a mass deportation or all the white people are going to start taking over and eliminating blacks and Hispanics. This country is mostly concerned with Twitter beef and the kardashians. Not eliminating other races. But that's what the media wants us to believe. They have lured folks into believing in this blacks vs whites race war. I highly doubt that. This has always been a white majority country but that's slowly changing. I think they're at 60% but I wouldn't be surprised if it drops atleast five percentage points before the next election.
I just don't see a benefit in voting for the Democratic party. They seem to want to control more things and not benefit the people. I've typed too much already tho. Hopefully the country can come together and work together on resolving the issues that matter the most. But everything will be forgotten by the time the next episode of Empire comes on.