It's painfully obvious that you misunderstand what religion (in this case Christianity) is all about. You're under the notion that the only people who are allowed to talk about God openly are people who have never done anything wrong, or have never had any of their wrongdoings brought to light. That's not the case. If anything, Ray is a good example of who you would want professing their faith because it shows the transformation that has taken place in their life. While Ray's "antics" can be a little overbearing and borderline annoying, he has every right to proclaim his faith. And he does so zealously because that's his character. From his entrance dance to his pregame speeches to his play on the field, everything about Ray screams passion. So you can expect him to be the same when talking about God.
There is no way that Wes Welker's wife isn't wrong in the comments she made. No matter what Ray's shortcomings are and how questionable the decisions of his past may be, her comments have absolutely NOTHING to do with the game that took place on Sunday and are therefore unwarranted. Seeing how she made no mention of religion, it's apparent that she's trying to belittle Lewis' accomplishments on the field by bring up dirt from his past. It's inappropriate, distasteful, and reeks of racial undertones. You just don't see the family situation and criminal past of white athletes brought up in an attempt to display them in a negative light as often as you do with black athletes, if at all.
But none of what I said matters because you seem like you're incapable of objectively commenting on this issue.