I'm selling these fine leather jackets
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everyone doesnt like video games... video games do not go hand in hand with moviesI'm already being annoyed & inconvenienced by having to jump between these 2 forums. It was mostly folks that only cared about 1 or the other that wanted a split. Folks like me who care about both are being inconvenienced.
I can't wait till these 2 forums are merged back together.
I'm already being annoyed & inconvenienced by having to jump between these 2 forums. It was mostly folks that only cared about 1 or the other that wanted a split. Folks like me who care about both are being inconvenienced.
I can't wait till these 2 forums are merged back together.
everyone doesnt like video games... video games do not go hand in hand with movies
truth be told if it aint nothin poppin on the first page im likely to just go to another forumif your not a gamer and a movie/tv fan, think about how much of an inconvenience it is to have to read every single title to see if its something your interested in or not. browsing multiple pages of the arcadium to hunt down movie or show threads is far more time consuming than it is for someone whos a fan of both forums to "jump" between the two (1 mouse click)
but people do give a fukkSO THE fukk WHAT????!!! Is that hard for you to ignore thread you don't care about.
I'm already being annoyed & inconvenienced by having to jump between these 2 forums. It was mostly folks that only cared about 1 or the other that wanted a split. Folks like me who care about both are being inconvenienced.
I can't wait till these 2 forums are merged back together.
if your not a gamer and a movie/tv fan, think about how much of an inconvenience it is to have to read every single title to see if its something your interested in or not. browsing multiple pages of the arcadium to hunt down movie or show threads is far more time consuming than it is for someone whos a fan of both forums to "jump" between the two (1 mouse click)