Be careful... make sure you gain good weight
If you're not getting stronger with the weight gain you're not doing it rite
Listen to this man.
The first year I hit the gym, I was completely focused on going up in weight. I went from ~150lbs to ~170, and I was ecstatic about the weight gain. Being that I had also just started weight lifting that year, I did see my beginners gains and thought I was doing good.
I can absolutely say that the weight I put on was useless.
I put on some muscle mass, but most of it was just fat that served NO DAMN PURPOSE. As soon as I improved my workout routines, the fat started BURNING off me QUICK, and I couldn't keep any of the damn weight on. I'm talking about, I went from about 170-175, to losing 10 pounds over the course of a summer, and even seeing myself slim down BEYOND 160!
I've kept track of myself this summer, I'm about at 160 again. I've only been going to the gym 3x a week, weight lifting and cardio on those days, and some calithenics throughout the week.
Im still skinny.
Frankly, I've come to truly realize that gaining weight takes dedication like anything else in weight lifting. You must not only make sure to eat a surplus of calories, but that those calories are CLEAN, while ALSO going your absolutely hardest during your lifts, because otherwise you're going to just put on sloppy weight, with no gains to show for it.
Just make sure you don't get caught up on the number on the scale too much breh. If you do a poor job at bulking, you're gonna end up burning most of it off any ways, and start off damn near at square one again.