You're not the only person with experience in anything. And you're still wrong because you refuse to widen your scope and think that somehow heaping scorn on Africa makes you better. It does not, and it will not.
Kwame Ture was my countryman. What I know of him personally, his family, his son, I will not share here. He was who he was, his legacy is what it is...and it is no betrayal to say his opinion was his opinion. It's no great betrayal to identify where his opinion(s) may have been limited. He was not infallible. I can build on what he established and go further. Like any ancestor, it is what he would want. So don't come at me with dogmatic approaches, because all you're doing is making the same mistake generations of us have done: simply retread what our immediate ancestors have done in a broken attempt to honour them, while not grasping that we are supposed to not just retrace their steps and mistakes but
be better.
The rich don't care about the poor anywhere; yet even they have the basic understanding that in order to build and maintain nations
you need all your people, rich/poor/citizen/crook/warlike/pacifist/farmer/artisan/whoever. All the pieces matter when you build something, even moreso when you maintain it. And for any of that to happen, you need a base from which to operate, i.e. a country that is yours. Some of us are further along the path that others, I don't disrespect anyone for where they are on the path, in front/behind/side by side...but you're not about to little-brother me when we both know where you currently stand. You can take that NYC-state-of-mind infection right back to the people who spoon fed it to you. That mindset limits you, and you belittle yourself by choosing to adopt and hold on to it.
Smarten up and stop doing this: