God Emperor of SOHH
In these studies cash is considered a liquid asset homes are considered "fixed" assets. When they say who is more or less wealthy "fixed assets" hold more weight than liquid assets.
Do you disagree that a person with 50k in their pocket is better off than the person who has a car worth 50k?
And I said black people are more likely to have cash on hand than ownership or "fixed" assets which is why we always do poorly in these studies.
Breh at this point you are just makin things, studies about wealth do not differentiate between fixed assets and liquid assets, if you personally want to make that seperation that's fine but these studies do not seperate between types of assets
Black people are not more likely to have more cash on hand, that is something else you are making up
And it's virtually impossibly to have 50k in savings unless you inherited it or have multiple times more investments and assets that are bringing you cash
I think you and a couple of other posters are showing an example of one part of the reason for low black wealth which is financial illiteracy