I enjoy big E as the mouth piece actually they might be going somewhere finally
Big E on his own could be upper midcard/main event status. This stable is wasting his talent.
I enjoy big E as the mouth piece actually they might be going somewhere finally
For real, stop bumping this thread. Stop giving us hope. It's over.
I don't think they were the faces, Tyson and Cesaro got a big pop when they won.But they played the face role in the match. Looks like they're slow-burning it. Hopefully not too slow tho
What's sad is guys on here getting hyped up about this stable to begin with. They are going nowhere. They are at this point enhancement talent at best. They will be used for other teams and performers to be put over. Some of the early post in this thread are mind blowing , hyping Alicia Fox as sister Alcia , like she isn't in the bottom half of the worst divas ever. The team should have been Mark Henry, R Truth, David Otunga and maybe Titus . This team is a bunch of frauds and losers.
link to the big e promo
C00n of all C00ns.
His "It's a conspiracy" angle could be brought back...Have him go through an "awakening"
Have him go through an "awakening"