We wanted the Nation of Domination, and here it comes

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Kofi Kingston spoke with the Liverpool Echo for a new interview. Check out the highlights below:

Also read: Kofi Kingston Praises Adrian Neville, Discusses His New Stable & Wanting The WWE World Title

On his stable with Xavier Woods and Big E: “We’re still trying to get it off the ground, we’ve had a lot of different matches on the live events together, and it’s awesome man, it’s a great dynamic, all three of us get along, anytime we’re in the ring it’s a great match, we have a lot of great chemistry doing things onscreen if you watch the backstage segments, it’s just fun. I think all three of us are on the same page. If and when it does get onscreen it’s going to be awesome and like I said before it’s just another way we can show different characters. We’ll see, you never quite know what is on the cards, even from the perspective of us being out there one day and being gone the next! You never quite know what is going to happen in WWE and that’s why people watch, that’s why Raw is the longest running episodic show in history, because people are always on the edge of their seats and they never know what’s going to happen. As far as what direction we’ll go with the group, who knows.”

On his goals in WWE: “My goal is always about getting better. There are a lot of different guys coming in, especially with NXT now who I’m looking forward to working with and just having great matches with. And also it’s trying to climb that ladder. If you’re not getting better you’re getting worse – I’m always trying to be better today than I was yesterday. That’s all I have control over. As long as I can still do it, go out and have fun and have great matches then it’s the greatest thing in the world, because this is all I’ve ever wanted to do, and I’m one of the very few people on the planet who actually get to say they’re living out their childhood dream. That’s really a part of the big picture, but to put a positive spin on it, it leaves people with something to desire. When that does happen I think it will be great and a chance to show people another side of me they haven’t seen before.”