Mos def and the posters in question, commonly have a disdain for Obama, thus why none of their responses are truly surprising.But the issue with taking the "this isn't new" stance is that it often paints critics of Obama's current policies as johhny come lately's who have no knowledge of prior undermining of civil liberties, foreign sovereignty, and cavalier foreign policy on the part of the U.S.
I can't speak for all voices who are currently in an uproar about what is currently going on, but there have been people on both the left and the right who have been writing about surveillance issues for years and some even decades. Are there people who are simply using this event simply because they dislike Obama for rather lame reasons? Of course. That does not mean that all or even most of the criticism comes from a partisan or even a shallow place.
For the statement "Nobody was sweating them in the early years of their campaign after 9/11 happened. Meanwhile Obama has been under unrelenting sucrinity since, day 1 with little to no breathing room." to be even remotely accurate would require ignoring a long list of civil liberties pundits/writers who indeed went after Cheney/Bush as it relates to the surveillance state.
Trust I agree. But Bush didn't really come under "heavy attack" until after the deed had been done, which was well into his second term. Criticism of the "surveillance state", is actually how I came to find out about the NSA and what they do.
The reality is I've already come to accept the status quo. Trying reverse this agenda put forth seems highly unlikely at this point.
Point is, After Bush's 2nd term, when this turned chaotic, it set a stage, which every president whom succeeded his tenure, would come under immense scrutiny, from both sides of the aisle. Obama never really had a timeline, where he could just implement his own policies, with enough backing in congress.
Can't forget about the blatant racism:
[ame=""]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]