We voted Obama in because we thought he was a change from Bush...


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Miss me with the phony outrage, none of this sh*t is remotely new.

Too many people:
You want it to be one way. - YouTube

So what the hell is your point exactly? Because Bush did it its okay? :snoop:

Obama is probably one of the most demonic presidents of our time. he is able to pull the wool over so many people's heads its astonishing. His continued popularity despite all of his transgression just proves how utterly stupid the average American is, especially Obamabots.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
He's better than the alternative? how when he is doing much worse than the alternative. He is doing exactly how the Republicans would do only smoother cause alot of his followers are still asleep and won't wake up.

Doing worse than the alternative? How? The alternative wasnt in office and the shyt the alternative proposed was literally exactly the same as the worthless garbage before Obama the don. At least now we have movement on healthcare (although I want more), we have movement on civil rights for some (which the alternative and hid cohorts are against), the economy is getting better. And most importantly the kaqs are furious right now.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Doing worse than the alternative? How? The alternative wasnt in office and the shyt the alternative proposed was literally exactly the same as the worthless garbage before Obama the don. At least now we have movement on healthcare (although I want more), we have movement on civil rights for some (which the alternative and hid cohorts are against), the economy is getting better. And most importantly the kaqs are furious right now.

You sound like a fool. This fukked up healthcare proposal that most doctors hate isn't an improvement, its an abomination! What the fukk are you talking about in regards to civil rights? If your referring to the gay marriage question your not very bright. And the economy isn't getting better. The stock market is getting better. And the fact that kaqs are getting mad has absolutely no bearing on economic improvement for black and brown peoples in this country. Please stop blindly following talking points and party proproganda and see the world with a clear head for a change.
Jun 24, 2012
Doing worse than the alternative? How? The alternative wasnt in office and the shyt the alternative proposed was literally exactly the same as the worthless garbage before Obama the don. At least now we have movement on healthcare (although I want more), we have movement on civil rights for some (which the alternative and hid cohorts are against), the economy is getting better. And most importantly the kaqs are furious right now.

1. Democrats and Republicans are the same, so there is no alternative in that matter.

2. The healthcare was a republican bill( early 90's) that both Obama and Romney( if he won) had in their plan.

3. What Civil Rights movement?

4. Economy is worse than ever...where are you getting your info from.

5. CACS created the Obama policies aren't mad...they laughing at your dumbass for voting for O.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
You sound like a fool. This fukked up healthcare proposal that most doctors hate isn't an improvement, its an abomination! What the fukk are you talking about in regards to civil rights? If your referring to the gay marriage question your not very bright. And the economy isn't getting better. The stock market is getting better. And the fact that kaqs are getting mad has absolutely no bearing on economic improvement for black and brown peoples in this country. Please stop blindly following talking points and party proproganda and see the world with a clear head for a change.

Youve lost your mind sambo.

Who's talking points are you referring to. When you get your info from FOX youre bound to sound like a complete fukktard like you do now.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
America as a people lost between the mid 40s and the late 60s.

people vote for their favorite and cheer when they win, complain when they lose and brag or gripe accordingly.

all of that shyt is irrelevant and everything that's being complained about now has been in the works before Obama even announced he was running.

Thats no conspiracy shyt and I ain't talking about no Illuminati 1000 year plan or whatever.

the greatest amount of mental brainwashing/conditioning that people have en masse is to

a. Cheer for someone you like and stick with them
b. Boo someone you don't like, and blame them when you don't get your way.

as long as people are told that their opinions matter and not their actions and have a "team" to cheer for, people can do whatever the hell they please. People are too busy watching the game to do anything but sit there and yay or boo.

all of this shyt is about as stupid as the low levels at my job running around clucking and cheesing because the owners say they've done a good job for the past year so now they're gonna give them raises and health insurance next month to show their appreciation.

They'll never ask for shyt else or fight for anything.

and if you read that, yes you read it right. Employees at my job think that The Owners are treating them better and rewarding them because minimum wage is about to go up and healthcare is going to kick in for full time employees... which they aren't.

That, my friends, is a microcosm study of America in a nutshell.


plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012
the fukk is this besides blatant attacks on the constitution? obama continues the same bullshyt policies of bush and worse. I know i'm about to sound like some ron paul stan, but seriously what is this?

monitor emails, credit cards, every phone call/text, every site you ever went to.

kill americans without a trial with drones.

let our cell phones give away every movement

shut down one of the biggest cities in the country over two suspects?

letting cops take dna samples now?

@barnone you wanted new material.

I'm doing the @88m3 and rocking out...

Phoenix ft. R.Kelly - 1901 - Live from Coachella, April 13, 2013 - YouTube

:rudy: Only suckas believe that Obama would be any different from Bush. shyt i dont understand how nobody never questions the fraudulant 2 party system :heh:


Apr 30, 2012
the fukk is this besides blatant attacks on the constitution? obama continues the same bullshyt policies of bush and worse. I know i'm about to sound like some ron paul stan, but seriously what is this?

monitor emails, credit cards, every phone call/text, every site you ever went to.

kill americans without a trial with drones.

let our cell phones give away every movement

shut down one of the biggest cities in the country over two suspects?

letting cops take dna samples now?

@barnone you wanted new material.

I'm doing the @88m3 and rocking out...

Phoenix ft. R.Kelly - 1901 - Live from Coachella, April 13, 2013 - YouTube

I wanted new material, but I never wanted people to go full retard. Whenever I point out holes in people's arguments (which no one ever fills), I get called an Obama supporter because I'm the only one who sits back after a couple days and responds to obvious shyt that others also know but don't feel like "defending." The last three things I bolded are a perfect example of cats going into this "thanks obama" mode:

This doesn't make you look like a Ron Paul stan, it makes you look like you're ignorant of politics, which I know you're not (so don't take this as a personal critique). The executive branch is literally one part of the government and Congress and the Judicial Branch have been more more detrimental to the country than the executive, but cats aren't even informed enough to recognize it.

The reason I get annoyed with posts like yours is because it allows for a remarkable voltron to form between Ron Paul stans, uninformed voters, conspiracy theorists, "purists", trolls, hypocrites and smart dumb nikkas. It's like people forget they were just shytting on the same people they're agreeing with for how they reached their conclusions two threads ago, and somehow magically think because now you all share similar suspicions that they somehow reached their suspicions in a more informed way than they usually do. :stopitslime:

All my friends in clear blue states voted for Jill Stein (and here's a shocker, so did I when got in the booth!), I told Kool G that maybe progressives need to just takes some Ls in the interim to wait for the candidate they want (maybe), but in all that I never lost my ability to properly analyze each individual issue down to its details. But I suppose people will always look for "short cuts" to reasoning. Which is why someone can post up a link, get daps and pos rep for it while neither the person posting it or the people agreeing with them fully comprehend the context of the information being provided (limits of what they can assert given the information, etc.) (happens frequently).

I'm not saying I know every, or most things, because I don't(I sit back on a lot of issues for that reason), but I admit when I don't and I don't let my biases lead me to fill in holes in a way I would not if I did have sufficient information.

I'll put it like this, in law there are certain standards of proof an evidence you much reach in order to have a prima facie case of wrongdoing or whatever the claim is, but the evidence sufficient to bring forth a claim are seldom enough to also prove your claim beyond a preponderance of evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt. A lot of the posters in the-coli don't recognize that, or do and continue to operate the way they do anyhow. They quote Glenn Greenwald, an NYU law graduate and a former constitutional lawyer no less, and fail to also adopt his process of reasoning while adopting his conclusions (and then go beyond his conclusions). I can't support that, but I'll embrace all those opinions nevertheless, it's not my place to tell people how to think. I'll just respectfully disagree.

I HAD NO IDEA I just typed that much while watching this tennis match, but :manny:, someone will read it. I still love y'all, we all want the same thing (except Gundam).


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Youve lost your mind sambo.

Who's talking points are you referring to. When you get your info from FOX youre bound to sound like a complete fukktard like you do now.


Its clear you have no business in the "higher learning" forum. Perhaps you should consider heading to the ladies room for some of the latest celebrity gossip? :queen:


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
The sooner the masses realize this whole 2 party bullshyt is a sham, and realize there is no difference between these democratic and republican scumbag politicians, the better off we will be.

PS. Obama is a cac :yeshrug:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
This is the biggest bullshyt argument I've ever heard: "This isn't new"

How many Revolutions, peaceful or otherwise, have happened after decades of grievances? In the case of the French Revolution is about 100-300 years of it, depending on the historian.

Dumb as hell.

So what the hell is your point exactly? Because Bush did it its okay? :snoop:

Obama is probably one of the most demonic presidents of our time. he is able to pull the wool over so many people's heads its astonishing. His continued popularity despite all of his transgression just proves how utterly stupid the average American is, especially Obamabots.

Cool story bro, but it seems like yall are taking that statement out of context. The NSA and various other agencies have been engaging in demonic activity for years, but after, one recent update about the current extent to which America is being governed, suddenly the general public is in uproar, mad at Obama, when the previous Administration was given free reign to do "whatever deemed necessary to keep America safe".

Point is this style of superior imperialistic government, has been in motion motion dating back to the Monroe doctrine.

. President Theodore Roosevelt promptly proclaimed the right of the United States to exercise an “international police power” to curb such “chronic wrongdoing.”
Our Documents - Monroe Doctrine (1823)

this includesEverything under the sun, from undermining political movements in the US(black panthers) to staging coups overseas in Nicaragua, to secure foreign trades.

But now Obama is some useless president who hasn't tried to bring about change while in office. p

Lets look at some of the legislation aimed at fixing economic recovery:

Obama's Jobs Bill Fails to Advance in Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

So a bill which resembles FDR's New Deal gets blocked in congress for new real reason, with no compromise or proposal to help fix the economy in sight :ohhh:

Lets also not forget how successful other acts of legislation have been:
14 reasons why this is the worst Congress ever

There's a reason why the Bush / Cheney Administration was sohh successful at pushing through their agenda. They said f*ck congress and went through a loophole in the OLC. Nobody was sweating them in the early years of their campaign after 9/11 happened. Meanwhile Obama has been under unrelenting sucrinity since, day 1 with little to no breathing room.

Heck, simply trying to stop the NSA's influence throughout America would have been counterproductive. Especially trying get legislation congress signed off in congress

Regarding the use of drone, there's a fairly large consensus of people who don't necessarily agree with their usage, but understands its purpose. Point blank it saves American soldiers, time and potentially their life.

Do innocent people get killed? Yes. Is it a tragedy? Yes But try putting yourself in the position of the president.

Risk more American lives and the potential for a top member to still flee away into "the bushes", while numerous civilians get caught up in cross fire or drop a drone striking, after considering how the least amount of innocent people will be affected.

These are moral dilemmas. There is no real concise answer, without an array of consequences. But many people don't want to view obstacles from the perspective of the president.

Instead they envision obama going like this all day:

Moving forward we know how stupid the average American is, especially if they only just found about the pull the NSA recently. People don't care about issues which don't affect them directly.

From my other post:

"We live in a society where people would rather drive than walk. Eat hydrogenated super processed, cancer ridden garbage than prepare fresh meals. People who rather, believe in fallacies and make decisions off their "gut" instinct rather than seek the truth. Cash rules everything".


May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Cool story bro, but it seems like yall are taking that statement out of context. The NSA and various other agencies have been engaging in demonic activity for years, but after, one recent update about the current extent to which America is being governed, suddenly the general public is in uproar, mad at Obama, when the previous Administration was given free reign to do "whatever deemed necessary to keep America safe".

Point is this style of superior imperialistic government, has been in motion motion dating back to the Monroe doctrine.

Our Documents - Monroe Doctrine (1823)

this includesEverything under the sun, from undermining political movements in the US(black panthers) to staging coups overseas in Nicaragua, to secure foreign trades.

But now Obama is some useless president who hasn't tried to bring about change while in office. p

Lets look at some of the legislation aimed at fixing economic recovery:

Obama's Jobs Bill Fails to Advance in Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News

So a bill which resembles FDR's New Deal gets blocked in congress for new real reason, with no compromise or proposal to help fix the economy in sight :ohhh:

Lets also not forget how successful other acts of legislation have been:
14 reasons why this is the worst Congress ever

There's a reason why the Bush / Cheney Administration was sohh successful at pushing through their agenda. They said f*ck congress and went through a loophole in the OLC. Nobody was sweating them in the early years of their campaign after 9/11 happened. Meanwhile Obama has been under unrelenting sucrinity since, day 1 with little to no breathing room.

Heck, simply trying to stop the NSA's influence throughout America would have been counterproductive. Especially trying get legislation congress signed off in congress

Regarding the use of drone, there's a fairly large consensus of people who don't necessarily agree with their usage, but understands its purpose. Point blank it saves American soldiers, time and potentially their life.

Do innocent people get killed? Yes. Is it a tragedy? Yes But try putting yourself in the position of the president.

Risk more American lives and the potential for a top member to still flee away into "the bushes", while numerous civilians get caught up in cross fire or drop a drone striking, after considering how the least amount of innocent people will be affected.

These are moral dilemmas. There is no real concise answer, without an array of consequences. But many people don't want to view obstacles from the perspective of the president.

Instead they envision obama going like this all day:

Moving forward we know how stupid the average American is, especially if they only just found about the pull the NSA recently. People don't care about issues which don't affect them directly.

From my other post:

"We live in a society where people would rather drive than walk. Eat hydrogenated super processed, cancer ridden garbage than prepare fresh meals. People who rather, believe in fallacies and make decisions off their "gut" instinct rather than seek the truth. Cash rules everything".

But the issue with taking the "this isn't new" stance is that it often paints critics of Obama's current policies as johhny come lately's who have no knowledge of prior undermining of civil liberties, foreign sovereignty, and cavalier foreign policy on the part of the U.S.

I can't speak for all voices who are currently in an uproar about what is currently going on, but there have been people on both the left and the right who have been writing about surveillance issues for years and some even decades. Are there people who are simply using this event simply because they dislike Obama for rather lame reasons? Of course. That does not mean that all or even most of the criticism comes from a partisan or even a shallow place.

For the statement "Nobody was sweating them in the early years of their campaign after 9/11 happened. Meanwhile Obama has been under unrelenting sucrinity since, day 1 with little to no breathing room." to be even remotely accurate would require ignoring a long list of civil liberties pundits/writers who indeed went after Cheney/Bush as it relates to the surveillance state.


Apr 30, 2012
But the issue with taking the "this isn't new" stance is that it often paints critics of Obama's current policies as johhny come lately's who have no knowledge of prior undermining of civil liberties, foreign sovereignty, and cavalier foreign policy on the part of the U.S.

I can't speak for all voices who are currently in an uproar about what is currently going on, but there have been people on both the left and the right who have been writing about surveillance issues for years and some even decades. Are there people who are simply using this event simply because they dislike Obama for rather lame reasons? Of course. That does not mean that all or even most of the criticism comes from a partisan or even a shallow place.

For the statement "Nobody was sweating them in the early years of their campaign after 9/11 happened. Meanwhile Obama has been under unrelenting sucrinity since, day 1 with little to no breathing room." to be even remotely accurate would require ignoring a long list of civil liberties pundits/writers who indeed went after Cheney/Bush as it relates to the surveillance state.

Nah, he right man. The criticism of Bush and Cheney came later. The media gave them a free pass up until like 2005 as far as civil liberties go. Definitely throughout his first term. Otherwise, you're correct in that many have been speaking about these issues forever. But his point is about how the debate is being framed, and there are a lot of people dumbing down the debate. I posted this earlier, but for someone to sit there actually type nothing whatsoever had to be changed after 9-11 in the way we gather intelligence or make decisions besides putting bigger locks on plane doors was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read by a consistent poster on here. I was in awe. Like, I literally was a last minute split decision away from being on the same plane as that Nigerian kid who tried to blow up that plane back in 2009 and no door locks would've stopped all of us from dying :smh:

We need this debate about what type of country we want to be, but let's put it all out on the table.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
The sooner the masses realize this whole 2 party bullshyt is a sham, and realize there is no difference between these democratic and republican scumbag politicians, the better off we will be.

PS. Obama is a cac :yeshrug:

The masses won't realize it until it's too late, it's clear as day what the purpose of the 2 party system is today at least, give the masses something to argue over and keep them separate while also allowing them to believe their voice matters. Once you draw a line in the sand, and people align themselves with a side they will argue over it tooth and nail, you can see it on small scale with inconsequential shyt like Apple vs Droid.

Anyone putting faith in our political system or our govt. at this point is a fool.


May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC

Nah, he right man. The criticism of Bush and Cheney came later. The media gave them a free pass up until like 2005 as far as civil liberties go. Definitely throughout his first term. Otherwise, you're correct in that many have been speaking about these issues forever. But his point is about how the debate is being framed, and there are a lot of people dumbing down the debate. I posted this earlier, but for someone to sit there actually type nothing whatsoever had to be changed after 9-11 in the way we gather intelligence or make decisions besides putting bigger locks on plane doors was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read by a consistent poster on here. I was in awe. Like, I literally was a last minute split decision away from being on the same plane as that Nigerian kid who tried to blow up that plane back in 2009 and no door locks would've stopped all of us from dying :smh:

We need this debate about what type of country we want to be, but let's put it all out on the table.

Yeah in terms of the general media they give passes to "Power" in general, but both then and now it's all about sensationalism and having a short attention span. But I don't think the media has been tougher on Obama as it relates to FP and civil liberties, they have been equally aloof for the most part.

In terms of TUH's comment and others like it, I would simply suggest people be more nuanced and not oversell their positions.