Cool story bro, but it seems like yall are taking that statement out of context. The NSA and various other agencies have been engaging in demonic activity for years, but after, one recent update about the current extent to which America is being governed, suddenly the general public is in uproar, mad at Obama, when the previous Administration was given free reign to do "whatever deemed necessary to keep America safe".
Point is this style of superior imperialistic government, has been in motion motion dating back to the Monroe doctrine.
Our Documents - Monroe Doctrine (1823)
this includesEverything under the sun, from undermining political movements in the US(black panthers) to staging coups overseas in Nicaragua, to secure foreign trades.
But now Obama is some useless president who hasn't tried to bring about change while in office. p
Lets look at some of the legislation aimed at fixing economic recovery:
Obama's Jobs Bill Fails to Advance in Senate Despite White House Push | Fox News
So a bill which resembles FDR's New Deal gets blocked in congress for new real reason, with no compromise or proposal to help fix the economy in sight
Lets also not forget how successful other acts of legislation have been:
14 reasons why this is the worst Congress ever
There's a reason why the Bush / Cheney Administration was sohh successful at pushing through their agenda. They said f*ck congress and went through a loophole in the OLC. Nobody was sweating them in the early years of their campaign after 9/11 happened. Meanwhile Obama has been under unrelenting sucrinity since, day 1 with little to no breathing room.
Heck, simply trying to stop the NSA's influence throughout America would have been counterproductive. Especially trying get legislation congress signed off in congress
Regarding the use of drone, there's a fairly large consensus of people who don't necessarily agree with their usage, but understands its purpose. Point blank it saves American soldiers, time and potentially their life.
Do innocent people get killed? Yes. Is it a tragedy? Yes But try putting yourself in the position of the president.
Risk more American lives and the potential for a top member to still flee away into "the bushes", while numerous civilians get caught up in cross fire or drop a drone striking, after considering how the least amount of innocent people will be affected.
These are moral dilemmas. There is no real concise answer, without an array of consequences. But many people don't want to view obstacles from the perspective of the president.
Instead they envision obama going like this all day:
Moving forward we know how stupid the average American is, especially if they only just found about the pull the NSA recently. People don't care about issues which don't affect them directly.
From my other post:
"We live in a society where people would rather drive than walk. Eat hydrogenated super processed, cancer ridden garbage than prepare fresh meals. People who rather, believe in fallacies and make decisions off their "gut" instinct rather than seek the truth. Cash rules everything".