Good thread Breh. People are willfully ignorant to the widespread effects popular music has on the general public. Not only is this poison providing a dangerous, negative narrative about black people to the globe, it also teaches us to view each other as the enemy which is essentially self hate.
I vividly remember listening to I feel like dying by Wayne and saying when the hell did blacks start promoting drug use. Before they were mainly talking bout selling, almost as a cautionary tale. I'm 31, and I feel like my generation didn't mess with drugs bc we saw the results of the crack epedimic first hand. The stigma of being on drugs in the black community was always negative. Now, u have future saying he's proudly poppin percoccets. Tf???? Ross talking bout he's the neighborhood drug dealer... 200 years from now blacks will be studying these times and this music like

I'm looking into mentoring teens or something this fall. Black kids need to see examples of "success" beyond athletics and rap, both which are basically lottery tickets reserved for 1% of the population. The mentality has to change. The definition of success has to change. In my eyes the dude who climbed out of generational welfare legally is far more successful than a young thug, or chief keef. I can't respect people who sell out their own for a few coins. You're literally selling out the future imo.