Doobie Doo
HBCU's mean a ton when you can be amongst your people, live a few years in this world without cac pressure. Realizing how beautiful of a people we are, how diverse we are. Destroying preconceived notions of black people (in your own mind) if you grew up in a white suburb. It does show you how to deal with other black people and The LOVE is REAL. Its genuine & its yours, your history. Stop downplaying the importance that.
You can hear this nikka's heart breaking from the truth. nikka I grew up in Silver Spring MD. Nobody knows growing up in a white suburb better than me. I spent all 4 years at a HBCU and its not this bullshyt Different World scenario you make it out to be. First of all the nikkas at HBCU's are no different than the nikkas scattered around your city. Some are trying to better themselves and some ain't shyt, find out where you belong. What fuking love are you talking about? They curriculum is no different then at white schools. I learned more about my black people and our history from Hidden Colors than I did in 4 years of classes on campus where they teach you the same bullshyt lies I learned in white schools growing up.
Believe the bullshyt if you want. I reiterate most HBCU's were started and funded by whites to educate blacks to be better employees.
Oliver Otis Howard - This the guy who started Howard

Grambling State was founded in 1901 and accredited in 1949. The school became Grambling College in 1946 named after a white sawmill owner, P. G. Grambling.
Samuel Chapman Armstrong started Hampton U

You think they started these schools so nikkas could be bosses or work for their grandkids?
In 1862, the Morrill Act provided for land grant colleges in each state. Some educational institutions in the North or West were open to blacks since before the Civil War. But 17 states, mostly in the South, had segregated systems and generally excluded black students from their land grant colleges. In response, Congress passed the second Morrill Act of 1890, requiring states to establish a separate land grant college for blacks if blacks were being excluded from the existing land grant college. Many of the HBCUs were founded by states to satisfy the Second Morrill Act. These land grant schools continue to receive annual federal funding for their research, extension and outreach activities. The Higher Education Act of 1965, established a program for direct federal grants to HBCUs, including federal matching of private endowment contributions.
HBCU's weren't started out of a love to educate blacks they were started because the Gov't forced the state's to start them to meet a quota. They were obligations. Many HBCU's emphasis Agricultural so nikkas would aspire to be farmers and shyt. My gripe with HBCU's is they aren't the END all be ALL nikkas make them out to be. Get your education and enjoy your college experience but stop kidding me about their hidden intentions.