said what he said
Hulk: You and me ‘been sitting on some serious phone, phone dialogue here, n*gga.I agree. At the same time he did say “why couldny she date a nba guy”. So he didnt like the type of black guy she with. Real ratchet racists (the flairs of the world calling teddy long shyt to his face) dont want ANY and all black men with tgeir daughter. He didnt want his daughter with a bum ass wannabee rapper whos gonna use her for fame. He wanted a clean cut maybe someone more like “him” ball player. Not some rapper where the world is all drugs, sex, gangs, guns etc.
And i wouodnt want it either. I think he has issues but i dont think he hate black people. People calling him out cause of the dress list at his restaraunt. You really think HULK HOGAN writes up the rules to get into a restaraunt he gets a cut from his name? They think its that deep and i really dont. People just HATE him on here cause he held down their favorite 5 star match wrestlers.
I wan find one man who raises a daughter who dates outside of her race where dad ISNT lookin at her sideways. i think everyone can get that way, especially when the convo goes left. Threads on this very site about that look it up.
But if the guys he worked with know hes a good guy and dont care. i dont see how the wrestlers in this generation are so upset. Welcome to life. I moved past this. Wwf without hulk higan... na. I already lived through that with macho.
Nick: Yeah, nibb-ah.
Hulk: N*gga, n*gga, that means, that means you’re my best friend.
Hulk: You know that God gave you this vibe and this, this, energy that you and I are going to live forever, bro. I just hope we don’t come back as a couple, I don’t want to say it, blizz-ack gizz-uys, you know what I’m saying?
Nick: Brutal [Nick and Hulk laugh].
Nick: It’s down in St. Pete, and it’s mixed-race, and we get along with everybody, so that’s fine.
Hulk: Your mom went there and said it was mainly blizz, you know what I’m sizz-aying?
Nick: Mm-hm.
Hulk: And that some of the ladies there that, you know, run the school are nice blizz lizz-adies, you know?
Nick: Mm-hm… I would go down there, I would make friends with all those kids down there. I guarantee it. Because you know how all the blizz pizz love us.
Hulk Hogan caught making MORE racist remarks