non-college folks side with the bossman over the worker.
black or not.
Not really. It's moreso, whatever affects their immediate pockets. Long-term thinking/planning is not an option, or at best a distant option. That's what those politicians need to realize. You're talking to people that are paycheck to paycheck, so they want to know how it benefits said paycheck. You can't talk something that affects the next generation to the working man, or something that will affect every one else first, and then maybe them as an individual.
Until most politicians take a stand with that, the everyday person does not care about general politics, because most ramifications aren't immediately felt. But that's human nature, it's not black. Every now and then, you get a generation or voters to gain a heartfelt, passionate approach with politics, but it's not the norm.
That's what you saw with this election mostly. The topics being presented by Harris did not appeal to most people. The malarkey Trump spews, does. That's also what you saw with Biden. His main point were clearing out the balances on those BS student loans, and the majority felt that. Immediate impact.