When Raw has had the exact same rating pattern, that argument fails.
Raw is widely and rightfully acknowledged as trash. No one is out here pulling the ‘all the glory, none of the heat’ business with that show or its supposed headliners. Brock and/or Reigns constantly took/take shyt for every single thing wrong anywhere in the company, even though Reigns at least does merch numbers and gets YouTube/social media views while Brock legitimately has a real sports presence (even if WWE can’t do shyt with it
) beyond a borrowed chant. Even on SD, at least Styles moves merch at a high level and doesn’t have to rely on the least talented Bella for inflation.
Nothing supports Bryan being anything but really just another interchangeable guy, just like almost everyone else in the company, at this point and that’s certainly not what his annoying ass stanbase has whined about and anointed him as for years now. (Cue the excuses about what ifs and/or booking and writing being bad, even though that applies to everyone...)