SMFH dude is a straight clown ... can't say I'm surprised the company that he keeps mainly his pops enable this dude .. Golden gave this cat a lifeline after all that shyt with the boosters ...
isn't he like some upper middle class kid?
this is the info i got off of Canesport
"It was a couple facebook conversations (2 of which were my friends from band) and a tweet which he was apparently forced to delete. One of the band girls reported it to compliance about their conversation."
this is the facebook conversation:
He offered to fly the girl from her hometown to Miami so he could "holler at her". He told her he could do so because he had agents. And since said band member knows people in UCompliance, she felt obligated to report it. For example...
yo i love ur smile
lol thank you
i dont want to get u introubl can we hang as friends
lol i would say yes if i was in miami!
u graduated?
u gone
<her hometown I edited out to protect her> -scopezum
shyt ill come out or pay for ur plane ticket ma
why? you don't even know me lol
why does it go to that, i wanna get to know smh
as friends
you can get to know me as a friend of course
i wouldn't be able to come down to miami though, I wouldn't be able ot get time off from my job lol
shyt i got so much money from agents and shyt ill comeout there get a hotel and lemme treat u like a princess
as a friend
credited to scopezum on Canesport.com