We are the Joneses - The Official Texas Longhorns Athletics Thread


May 26, 2012
because all he cares about is traffic and clicks

fukk Ketch this shyt aint a game, Texas is close to being Tennessee status

If UT did Charlie Strong wrong I hope the media ramps up their bullshyt.
Maybe it will be a mutual parting of ways. Strong would rather be at Miami.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
texlarry is probably the most well known/respected online insiders (he broke mack brown to texas back in the day when everyone thought it was going to be gary barnett). he only posts a handful of times a year, well he just made a thread on OB saying that strong is out at the end of the season and the place is going crazy. @satam55 @rantanamo @macpat


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
texlarry is probably the most well known/respected online insiders (he broke mack brown to texas back in the day when everyone thought it was going to be gary barnett). he only posts a handful of times a year, well he just made a thread on OB saying that strong is out at the end of the season and the place is going crazy. @satam55 @rantanamo @macpat

yeah I'm not buying it

because all he cares about is traffic and clicks

fukk Ketch this shyt aint a game, Texas is close to being Tennessee status

If UT did Charlie Strong wrong I hope the media ramps up their bullshyt.

Maybe it will be a mutual parting of ways. Strong would rather be at Miami.

I'll reserve my comments for later if he indeed does walk away from the job.

JS just put out this piece on IT:
Charlie Strong Reset

Jesus Shuttlesworth 11/25/2015 8:04 P.M. CST

A couple of points to counter the texlarry post after burning up the phones and email. I'm pretty sure I know who Larry is talking to and my guess is he may be a tad bit out over his skis currently, although the seat is certainly getting hotter for Coach Strong.

1. I don't think Mike Perrin knows what's going to happen at this point. If so, he's a duplicitous son of a gun because he's helping Strong find his OC for 2016. And that's not Mike's MO according to folks who know him. As I've been saying all along, they're contingency planning both OC's and HC's.

2. On the flip side, the walls are closing in on Charlie Strong at the BMD level and Mike Perrin and Greg Fenves are well aware of it--painfully aware of it in fact. We're reaching a critical mass and I think everyone gets that. I still maintain that the last two games are critical for Charlie to have adequate support from the AD. Get trucked against Tech and Baylor and my bet is that Perrin goes to Strong and says "look, I can't sell tickets and fund-raise effectively with your name on the marquee. Let's figure out an exit strategy." As an aside, after talking to folks today, there's not a doubt in my mind that Perrin has the pledged funds to buy out Strong's contract.

3. I don't think negative publicity of firing a coach with a 4-8 record will be much of a factor either--two years into a rebuild be damned. This is big boy football and I'm confident that public relations won't be much of a concern if Texas ends up with 4 wins in 2015.

4. If you think this is just Houston driven, then I can't help you. The donor class in Houston, San Antonio, and now Dallas are all antsy. As I've contended all along, the last two games loom large.

:ehh: This does make more sense.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
This is why UT has won 1 Natty in the last 30 years. The negative publicity would kill UT for a long time. The media and perception across the state with recruits would destroy the program. Might as well stop playing football if this is how its going to be run. Who they gonna hire? Tom Hermann? What makes him anymore qualified than Strong?

One thing I really want to speak on is how we(UT alumni) overthink our importance and willingness to win in sports. No one is going to buy out Strong's contract. Not those cheap ass miserly old people. They wouldn't even pay $600,000 to get OSU off of Wickline's back(biggest distraction to the whole regime so far). They won't pay what it takes to get a top coach. Like I always say, UT is not as big of a football school as UT people think. They will never let a real coach work. They are too worried about appearances. Why didn't I go to OU :snoop:?


May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
Strong doesn't have a buyout. If fired we'd have to payout the rest of his contact. Firing Strong after year 2 makes no sense and I don't think Fenves and Perrin are on board with that at all. The only thing that can change that is Strong getting embarrassed these last 2 games which shouldn't happen.


All Star
Jan 12, 2014
Strong doesn't have a buyout. If fired we'd have to payout the rest of his contact. Firing Strong after year 2 makes no sense and I don't think Fenves and Perrin are on board with that at all. The only thing that can change that is Strong getting embarrassed these last 2 games which shouldn't happen.
Na it could possibly happen and the donors are hoping it does.


May 25, 2012
I can't see Strong getting fired after this year. Now, next year he has to deliver. But he has one more year.


All Star
Jan 12, 2014
Even Michicgan gave Rich Rod a extra year...

OB, Chip, and IT have said its not happening and nuuf on OB basically blasted back as well

he always illuminating nuufaola with his response to yesterday's insanity: "A Structural Argument Against TexLarry's Argument" (posted on OB). This is required reading.

I want to start this with the fact that I love texlarry posts, we have not met, we don't know each other. I don't know who he is.

As a second point, I went right to the top. And I know for a fact that a certain ob reporter spoke to this source, so the info you are getting here is "correct" in the sense that is what bor/president/ad believe.

As to the info: there is nothing to the story that Charlie is leaving in 2 weeks. We have been through the reasons.

And for my argument, I am going to completely ignore my own opinion on Charlie. But, my argument is a structural argument as to why texlarry is wrong, and that argument is merely an opinion.

UT folks, including BMDs have endured a few years of less-than-stellar leadership, as the bor was at war, powers was a lame duck, AD a Lame duck, etc. Now, we have mcraven, a bor that has no danger of imploding (hall/petrovich now irrelevant), a really good fenves and a Perrin who many people want to hang out for a few years, and maybe even groom a successor (a successor we want to be like Perrin). This new group of leaders is very tight. I was at the fenves inauguration, and even some of the questionable regents were gushing over fenves and mcraven. Heck, when petrovich called into the bor meeting where they censured hall (to make here totally inapplicable comments about free speech that were both technically and spiritually incorrect), she prefaced her comments with a couple of paragraphs on how much she liked and respected mcraven. Well, Brenda, we all do. We have very good leadership.

When this group was forming, they were fielding all kinds of complaints about Patterson. But, nevertheless, a coup happened in the sense that a highly credible group led by don Evans and joe jamail and perhaps some others forced him out. It was already known that fenves was tiring of Patterson, so this coup was probably as good an excuse as any to relive Patterson of his duties. But, the big problem for Patterson was that both strong and smart said they didn't want him anymore, so fenves made the call. This may not be a coup at all, as fenves was planning with Perrin before Evans made his big last push.

Strong is different because fenves and Steve hicks (senior regent In charge of athletics) and mcraven and Perrin are all-in on Charlie coming back. Ironically, they have to be the strongest supporters when times are at their very worst, so that we don't melt down. We need an oc/staff and we need good recruiting right now. They don't want this to be a self fulfilling prophesy

There are a group of guys in Dallas who are civic minded, ut lovers, involved in politics and involved at ut. This group fought with jamail to get rid of Mack. They also tried hard to get saban. For the time being, Steve hicks and a few others have control over Dallas. Dallas likes to move in a pack, and while some in Dallas may privately want strong gone, it's inconceivable that the Dallas group would splinter over this.

My guess is that a lot of this "news" is coming out of Houston, simply because it is so unlikely to come out of Dallas. And because the Dallas group has no idea what is happening.

For somebody In Houston to stage a Patterson style coup, they would need to do the following
--have 15mm for a buyout
--a job for Charlie (maybe not, but I was sticking with one version of the narrative)
--a new coach lined up (with some funding to make it go down easier)
--the willingness to go head on against all the ut leadership and the Dallas gang
--the willingness to turn UT basically into a anarchistic place where any dude with 20mm to lose can fire a coach at will. In other words, chaos

I just don't think it's happening. I do think it's possible, but it would be so detrimental to ut's leadership that it could hurt us for a long time.

Seriously Charlie just win this one vs Tech, decline a weak ass bowl invite and concentrate on OC/recruiting


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
From IT:
Inside Scoop - 11/26/15

By: Eric Nahlin and Justin Wells

Thanksgiving Scoop. Come back for seconds. Happy Turkey Day, y'all.

From: Eric Nahlin

Happy Tryptophan Day to you and yours.

I'm thankful for friends who are like family and family who are like friends. I've met a lot of great people besides @b_pittenger doing this job and I'm thankful for that as well, regardless of how silly this occupation is.

So, thank you all.


Strong desperately needs a master strategist on the offensive side of the ball. A man who can get the most out of the current Texas pieces. A man who has autonomy with decision-making but also values input from his subordinates.

Shuttlesworth has been wise to mention Strong's return isn't as decided as Mike Perrin's public statements make it sound. That's just the fact of the matter. That written, Strong's return is the favorite outcome, in my view. If you want him gone, quit reading and go enjoy your family. There isn't news on Strong leaving because nobody knows if that's the case. There is news on OC searches, though. Unfortunately I can't state names. Trust me, I wish I could.

I can say a few things, though, and hopefully go all-in after the Baylor game, assuming re-stocking the offensive shelves is the route Texas goes.

Initially I felt Texas was going to make a homerun OC hire. Then I felt like Texas wasn't going to throw good money after bad. Now I feel like Texas is going all-in or all-out on Strong and they're planning for both scenarios.

First, I'll give you a poignant quote from someone close to the team:

"I'd prefer it if the new OC has a background in the Big 12. Most offensive coaches in the Big 12 have coached together and that's why all the offenses are so good, similar, and score so much. They need someone who has Big 12 spread experience. That fits best with Buechele coming in and then Ehlinger after."

Good points, the Big 12 is rather incestuous. Get defense going and score some points. Seems simple enough. "But Charlie won't go with an Air Raid!" That's actually false, based on who the leader is to be the next OC.

If the OC, who is the leader in the clubhouse, gets the job, the vast majority of people who want Strong back will be ecstatic. If that OC hires one of the OL names I'm hearing, fans will be ecstatic with him as well. Honestly, if this scenario plays out, it will add some much needed excitement surrounding the program. Offense will instantly have an identity and recruiting will improve. Fires will have been extinguished and we can focus on 2016 with some renewed optimism. It doesn't mean Texas 2016 will be a success, but its chances will have been improved.

I'm firmly on the fence with Strong. I believe a parting of ways might be best for all involved if it comes about amicably. That said, Scenario #1 would get me excited again, provided they finish the '16 class out strong.

The second OC I'm hearing also comes with name recognition and is a guy many would consider a homerun. He might fit what's at the QB position now better than the guy above, but he doesn't fit as well with what's in the recruiting pipeline (Buechele and Ehlinger). He would fit the identity many associate with Strong better than the first guy.

There are a couple other candidates floating but I haven't received those names. I'm hoping for OC #1 but would be excited about OC #2 as well. If it ends up being neither of these guys, I'll tell you what I knew and when I knew it.


As I said, Perrin is going 'all in' in one direction. That requires money. Word is 3-year guarantees are back on the table. I don't know if that's been reported elsewhere (I think it has) but that's what I'm hearing too.

This is pretty important because Texas needs to retain Jay Norvell and Jeff Traylor in a major way and their return isn't a lock. It's conceivable the entire offensive staff is re-made and that would be a recruiting killer. That can't be allowed to happen. Pay these men handsomely. Pay Traylor like the elite recruiter he is. Pay him like the good coach he is.

Wickline, Watson, and Robinson: Gone, gone, gone.

I believe Brick Haley will be back but he has a big couple of months ahead of him on the recruiting trail.


With Tech's terrible run defense, of course UT will try and slam the ball on them but injuries are going to hinder that some. Vahe's out. Foreman's out. I also think Gray is out. Strong listed him as a maybe and I thought he might get a Senior Night carry or two, but it sounds like Warren will get the start. I'm leery to post this but what the hell, the Tech defense may make it accurate; I hear Warren had a really good week and he's ready to carry the load. He just needs to run assertively downhill and good things will happen for him. Kirk Johnson will get his share of the carries, as will Heard and Swoopes. RB by committee, imo. Roderick Bernard was moved to RB but I hear he's more of a gimmicky guy right now and is used more in the passing game. Good, because he can do some Jakeem Grant-type things with the ball in his hands.

With Vahe out that moves Perkins to RG and puts Hutchins at RT. Senior Night, imo. If Hutchins doesn't get it done, he'll be replaced. So we're back to Williams-Flowers-Doyle-Perkins-Hutchins.

Expect a lot of Dime versus Tech, which is to be expected but I'll be interested to see if the Red Raiders run UT out of that package. Tech is averaging 5.6 yards per carry this season.

Dime means Malik goes to Fox, Jinkens is the lone linebacker save Jason Hall as a pseudo-Will. The remainder of the DB's are Hill, D. Davis, Thomas, Haines and Bonney.

I'll be back for the game thread. Enjoy your day.

From: Justin Wells

Checking in on a couple top targets. Plus the UT-Tech visitor list.

I want to start my portion of the Scoop with a note on UT commit, DeMarco Boyd. With the craziness going on in Baton Rouge and Les Miles, Boyd is curious to the world of CFB. He called me this week to discuss such things.

DeMarco is a unique cat. He's the epitome of a college recruit. Be deathly loyal to your school and coach. Never waver, in good times and in bad. His thought was if Miles isn't retained, you'll see a mass exodus of Tigers commits. Not just because of the coaching change, but the mentality on social media. It would almost be cool to de-commit, because it's expected or even favored by fans. Almost fashionable. He makes a great point. His Buckeyes are in the midst of 28-game winning streak as they ready for Octavious Evans and the Center Roughriders on Friday night from Rose Stadium in Tyler. Of course I'll be there.

With Texas recruiting in its current state, everything, I do mean everything is fluid until the buzzer sounds in Waco. While Eric has been tremendous in outlining the coaching situation, all I can add from a recruiting standpoint is to be patient for a few more days. If Strong proved anything last Christmas, it was that as soon as the season ends, they're hitting the trail. Hard. Strong comes off as that guy that crams the last few days for a final exam instead of studying a few pieces at a time over the duration of the course. And the ever-changing recruiting landscape presents kids that want your full attention, not partial. Just like with hiring an OC and letting him take over, Strong is in need of adjustments. Hey, we all have to change sometimes.

"Adapt or die." - Billy Beane

1. Nac's Brandon Jones. Getting Jones would be big. On multiple levels. Not just for maintaining the slight advantage Jeff Traylor and the staff has established in the region, but because Dylan Haines is a starter on the 40 Acres. This much is obvious.

Jones is good at keeping his options open and favorites quiet. His timeline of a commitment is closer to NSD. This is a good thing. As of late, I think Jones is looking more and more out-of-state. He'd held firm on using one of his five official visits to Austin, but now he's backing off that a little.

"I'm still debating if I will," said Jones, of an official to Texas. "I might, but I'm just not sure yet. I have Auburn and Ole Miss setup so far for the last two weekends in January. I'll be at TCU this weekend."

In summation, I get a good news/bad news feeling from this.

Good, because I think A&M is falling behind in the Jones recruitment. Bad, because I think Texas might be too. Ole Miss is coming at him strong. Oregon really wants an OV. TCU is pushing. I could see Florida State or Alabama making a late push as well.

In the end, I don't think he leaves the state. Jones is entirely too close his family and friends. He's the oldest of his siblings and is also the man of the house. But I think he wants - like a lot of other top UT targets still in wait-and-see mode - Texas to show him something good, UGK style. A nice win over Tech, coupled with a solid performance vs Baylor, and I think Texas is back to being a silent leader.

It can't be understated how important these last two games are for the Horns.

2. Dee Anderson. The talented pass-catcher who missed his senior campaign, I'm hearing this relationship is growing apart and going in separate directions. How I really feel about it. Disappointing. Anderson is the type of field-stretcher Texas sorely needs more of.

A source close to the 4-star told me that Texas has barely been in touch with Anderson in the last few months, who is cousins with WR/TE Deandre McNeal. For the longest I'd heard Anderson and Texas were quietly courting in the background, behind LSU's back. But lately, he's been all Geaux Tigers, even with the coaching situation in disarray. Anderson is another kid I could see jumping ship at the last minute, but I think Texas is less and less that barge.

With Collin J, Davion C, and Reggie H, I feel like UT could stand pat with that group and be satisfied. The WR spot is losing Marcus & Daje Johnson, but the rest are frosh/sophs. It'll be interesting how this position finishes in 2016. I'd like one more deep threat.

3. Texas-Texas Tech visitor list and notes. There will be a handful of prospects attending the game today.

Joshua Croslen - (Steele) Cibolo, 2017
Davion Curtis - Temple, 2016 (TEXAS commit)
Reggie Hemphill - Manvel, 2016 (TEXAS commit)
Daiquan Jackson - (Poteet) Mesquite, 2017
Brenden Jaimes - (Lake Travis) Austin, 2017
Gio Pancotti - (Bellaire Episcopal) Houston, 2017 (TEXAS TECH commit)
Mustapha Muhammad - (Ridge Point) Missouri City, 2018
Kenneth Murray - (Elkins) Missouri City, 2017
Zach Shackelford - Belton, 2016 (KANSAS STATE commit)
RJ Sneed - (Cy-Ranch) Cypress, 2017
CeeDee Lamb - (Foster) Richmond, 2017
Antonio Kanonu - El Paso Prep, 2016
Ashton Logan - Temple, 2017
Major Tennison - Bullard, 2017 (TEXAS commit)
Dominic Williams - (Stony Point) Round Rock, 2017
Quincey Williams - (Steele) Cibolo, 2017

NOTES: Texas pledges, Curtis, Hemphill, and Tennison have been to Austin many times. Nobody comes to DKR like Reggie.

I feel like Mustapha Muhammad will be offered today. The 6-foot-4 TE was recently offered by Michigan, Baylor, and Texas A&M.

Shackleford was offered by Texas a few weeks ago. I'm just waiting for this kid to flip. Not sure what he's waiting for.

Jackson comes from Mesquite and is former teammates with the Predator. Texas will be in this one as much as it wants to be.

I like the number of juniors in attendance. Seriously though, after talking to one prospect this morning, this is a difficult game for recruits to make. The fact Texas got a few of these guys to make the trip speaks volumes. Now if the weather would only cooperate.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Yall better hope yall good offense shows up tonight :whoo: