King Jove
King Of †he Gawds
Real talk since Vance Bedford is no longer the Defensive coordinator, Coach Strong should just promote him coach to the entire secondary instead of just the safeties. That's how bad the CBs have played this season..Plus Bobby Burton is reporting that the players hate Coach Jennings. We're going to have to replace him too.
Alex Dunlap had a write up exposing how bad he's been. Dude needs to stop trying to be a celebrity and get to work.I'm guessing d'Onta called out malik for his lack of playmaking.
True just shocked we're talking about effort with a Coach Strong team. Thought we got rid of that problem with Mack.It might've been a good call for Strong to have that meeting. Especially because it put a spotlight on the players not giving maximum effort. And I'm glad some of the coaches got called out. At least Strong is trying to figure it out. It might be his last stand. May as well throw the kitchen sink at the problem.
Tell me why I just got on to twitter and the PAWG Orangebloods inten/YouTube host is going at it with Tariq Nasheed over Nate Parker:
yesterday was her last day.
Where is she going to? I couldn't take her YouTube show she did for OB seriously because I could tell she was only a causal fan and the Q&As she did were from other casual fans.
not sure. her internship ended.
This chick gotta be a snowbunny right? I lowkey have noticed that most of the male celebrities she lusts for on Twitter all just happen to be black. Most of her male friends she retweets are black. She used to have a sportstalk YouTube show that she did from her dorm or Apartment and her co-host was a brotha. She gets excited for Black Men/White Women IR relationships on TV shows like the current season 6 of "American Horror Story".
Maybe I'm reading too much into her timeline, but I assume she's a snowbunny.