I got to Garland High the same year Coach Martin did. Hopwood was a big deal back then. UT was throwin schollie's at any underserved minority student that could gain admission. I'm talkin' black, Latino, Filipino, Vietnamese, etc, etc. The perception in a lot of these communities(especially the black community) was that UT wasn't a welcoming place if you weren't white and/or upperclass or a VISA student. For the few spots there were, it was a damn shame that Hopwood happened. Its always someone that can't get in complaining. Funny thing was, despite the quota, the people getting in all had the scores to get in and she didn't. That whole thing left a bad taste in the mouths of a lot of people that still goes on today. Now you have the top whatever % rules, and you still have the same group of people complaining about other people getting in. The funny thing is, they don't even get that there's a bad perception so a lot of these students don't want to go to UT in the first place. Its amazing what a little competition does to people. Though I still keep up with my fellow black alumni and sport some gear, I don't rep UT(or Garland for that matter, which is another story) like that unless its advantageous. That left a bad taste in my mouth and I keep UT alumni at arms length. LOL @ some dude giving me a hook em' last summer and trying to talk about our chances against Notre Dame. I gave him the

and told him we would beat them if we were a football school, but we don't support our coaches and players like that.