Gunz&Butta said:
Native Americans were great Farmers, why werent they used on the plantations? Because they were dropping dead.
They tried, but it was too much trouble to capture/keep them as they knew the landscape and were familiar with other tribes. They weren't all 'dropping like flies' since many had no contact with Europeans. Same thing happened in South/Central America.
Gunz&Butta said:
Yes, they knew the land but that wasnt the main reason. If it was, Europeans would have sourced slaves from South or Central America or the numerous Islands close to the continent. Are you telling me that slaves from there would have been familiar with South Carolina?
As stated above, they tried, but were unsuccessful. Also, the logistics of capturing Native Americans were cost-prohibitive. They'd have had to expend resources protecting themselves while exploring/capturing them and keeping them subjugated. Try fighting a war on multiple fronts.
Gunz&Butta said:
The fact is these people were dropping dead from the conditions and contact with Europeans. No laws protected them.
But, that isn't the case. The Americas were largely unexplored by Euros and while many Natives did die from Euro diseases, most were unaffected due to distance. It simply was not cost-effective to travel all over the Americas to get slaves and bring them back to the colonies when there was an established, ready source right next to Europe who had no knowledge whatsoever of the land they were brought to.
Gunz&Butta said:
The distance between Europe and Africa is irrelevant because the slaves were not intended for Europe.
It is relevant because of the logistics. Far cheaper to transport them from Africa than to send expeditionary forces to America to capture them, train them, and keep them subjugated in a land they were familiar with while also keeping the resident Natives at bay through constant warfare from Euro colonists.
Gunz&Butta said:
You source close to where your operation is and in this case, North America.
Sure, but the logistics didn't allow for that type of operation. The Americas hadn't been 'conquered', only settled, so there was no established supply of cheap labor in America as there existed in Africa and Europe for centuries.
Gunz&Butta said:
That is exactly what they tried to do but failed due to diseases mainly. Running away was only a minor part of it because there is an easy fix for that.
Disease wasn't the main reason. Logistics were. It was all-around cheaper to import Africans than to enslave Native Americans. Let us not forget that several Native American Nations actively participated in the slave trade making it more beneficial NOT to enslave them.