Yeah you bringing up a lot of good points. It's a work in progress for sure, and the more people bring suggestions the better. I agree with you on coming up with a way to make setting up matches more clear and less open ended. The thing I'm worried about with the ranking is who's gonna keep it updated over the long term. Maybe we should get everyone into at least 1 battle before we figure out how to rank. Ive already been in 2, so I can see how it could he weird.
I was def disappointed at people missing deadlines, and it seems people are probably more confused about what's going on than anything else. On the plus side I think the beats have been better.
Yeah it's def a work in progress and the potential is a lot higher than the previous league (which was still great...shouts to tom foolery). The competition is also better, I agree. I think the rankings will be fairly simple to keep updated, sticky every battle for each week so we know exactly where they are without having to dig and miss them and one of the guys who created this new system can do the records and the ranks (Also, I think no battle should go longer than a week, we should be able to get atleast 15-20 votes for a winner within a week). At the same time each competitor can also post their record in their respective threads (WBC/IBF) to help make it easier on the person updated the ranks.
Props on already battling twice, that's a good look. I agree with getting everyone into at least one battle before we rank guys, but the problem with that compared to the previous league system is that battles aren't set on a schedule so ppl will be more "lazy" with setting up bouts and it will lead to the waiting game, it's been 2 weeks now since we've had the new system I think and how many official bouts have there been? It should be mandatory for everyone to have at least one battle per week or they get dropped from the ranks and aren't allowed to compete anymore. If not, we're going to be seeing ppl with 2-1 records after like 6 weeks n shyt lol...3 battles in that amount of time would be terrible.