Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan: April 25, 2014 - TBD; 5 Michigan Health Officials Charged


Jun 8, 2012
They was trying to kill as many nikkas as possible. Nothing will be done.
or RETARD THEM. because thats what this type of contamination does. it RETARDS CHILDREN.

and when these CHIEF KEEFS GROW UP. doing what retarded ultra broke black people do. whites will tell you , that "yall got a black on black problem. its not on us white folks." LIke i keep telling yall. it pretty much always starts with them as the root of the problem.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Michigan’s Water Crisis Has Gotten So Bad The National Guard Has Been Deployed




Lemott Thomas carries free water being distributed at the Lincoln Park United Methodist Church in Flint, Mich., Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) activated his state’s National Guard late Tuesday night to help address a growing public health crisis stemming from tap water poisoned with lead.

The move is the latest attempt from the governor — who declared a state of emergency last week over the water situation — to address a crisis in Flint that’s been brewing for months.

Flint residents have struggled to maintain access to drinking water following financial troubles that have made this utility increasingly expensive. In 2014, in an attempt to save money, the city switched its water source to the nearby Flint River — a switch that has since been linked toheightened levels of lead in residents’ bloodstreams, thanks to outdated pipes and a corrosive agent present in the water supply. Flint’s mayor says the city is now facing a “man-made disaster.”

The National Guard will help local authorities reach out to Flint residents to provide them with clean drinking water, new filters, and lead testing kits. According to the Associated Press, door-to-door efforts are underway and volunteers hope to reach 500 to 600 households per day. Flint is home to an estimated 30,000 households in total.

Snyder has been criticized for his slow response to the water crisis. Government officials did not start handing out bottled water until several days after the governor first declared a state of emergency. And that announcement itself came several weeks after Flint officials had alreadydeclared a state of emergency on the city level.

Email records suggest that some members of Snyder’s administration have been aware of the issues with the water for months, though the governor says he first became aware of the lead poisoning risk in October. Research from the ACLU alleges that administration officials may havesimply ignored the mounting evidence about the water contamination. The director of the state’s Department of Environmental Quality stepped down last week.

Flint residents have been wary about their tap water for quite some time. They first started raising concerns about their drinking water — which they complained appeared cloudy and had a foul odor — just one month after their water source first switched to the Flint River.

But no matter what government officials do now, some of the consequences of the water crisis may be irreversible. According to the World Heath Organization (WHO), lead affects children’s brain development in significant ways, “resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), behavioral changes such as shortening or attention span and increased antisocial behavior, and reduced educational attainment.”

“This is a crisis,” Snyder acknowledged this week. “And that is something I apologize for in terms of the state’s role in all of this.”

Michigan’s Water Crisis Has Gotten So Bad The National Guard Has Been Deployed


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
DOJ aint gonna do shyt but downplay and help cover up the worst aspects of this failure.

snyder and his appointed emergency manager both deserve prison over this but that piece of shyt promoted the energency manager to oversee education.

cacs never hold themselves accountable for shyt. 90% of them are complete sociopaths.

Flint is black.. so that pretty much should clue you in.

No prosecution is gonna happen :manny:

This was the most disgraceful story of 2015. Leads fukks people for life. The effects are irreversible. Snyder and anyone who knew about this and allowed it should be in prison.

But you can't actually prove there was any criminal misconduct so :yeshrug: back to antigovernment government employees

Unless you can show that the DEQ or Snyder himself said, "fukk it it's just Flynt," you have no case. The burden of proof is steeper than proving that there is a God. They'll have the best lawyers in the country arguing that it was a structural failure caused by regulatory burdens, financial straits, and outdated processes. Those involved have been fired, policies are being rewritten, and the federal government is going to pick up the tab. The kids and families affected MIGHT get a settlement in the future, but it's most likely that they'll fall through the crack and never realize there are funds out there to help their future medical needs.

In 30 years Tanehisi Coates will write another article about lead affecting neighborhoods of predominantly black Americans and we'll revisit this story with a few :mjcry:'s and a few :why:'s. Then we'll remember that it's Flint, Michigan and that nobody gave a damn in the first place.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
Let me guess, nikkas gonna march and pray in the face of this blatant attempt to either kill black people outright or cripple them physically and mentally to the point where they end up dead or in prison by 25. No one is going to get retribution or take justice into their own hands, but instead beg for it from the same system that did this to them in the first place.

How close am I?

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Let me guess, nikkas gonna march and pray in the face of this blatant attempt to either kill black people outright or cripple them physically and mentally to the point where they end up dead or in prison by 25. No one is going to get retribution or take justice into their own hands, but instead beg for it from the same system that did this to them in the first place.

How close am I?

Well DUH :skip:


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Flint Sends Overdue Notices to Residents Who Aren’t Paying for Their Water, Which Is Poison
By Ben Mathis-Lilley


Downtown Flint in a photo taken on Dec. 16, 2015.

Rebecca Cook/Reuters

Flint, Michigan, is sending out notices to residents who haven't been paying for their city water services. The notices say that services could be cut off if payment isn't received. This is a normal civic administrative practice except for one thing: Flint's water is so badly poisoned that the National Guard and Federal Emergency Management Agency have been called in to manage the situation, which has left residents drinking bottled water that's being given out as an emergency measure.

In a matter that, remarkably, appears unrelated to the problems involving the toxic elements in the water, the city had been enjoined in recent months from sending overdue notices because of a lawsuit accusing it of raising service rates improperly. But with that restriction lifted, "about 1,800 shutoff notices for past-due accounts are expected to be mailed to customers this week," the MLive site reports.

Police in Flint also confirmed this week that a break-in was reported over the Christmas holiday at an office in City Hall where documents related the the water crisis were kept. "At this point it's hard to tell if any files were taken," the city's mayor says, but no other offices were apparently targeted by the burglary.

Federal authorities announced on Jan. 5 that they will investigate whether the water crisis, which you can read more about here, involved any criminal activity. As Daily Kos puts it, "It's probably just a coincidence that this break-in occurred in the mayor's suite, in the one office containing the documents relating to the lead poisoning of residents, with no other offices burglarized, just days before confirmation the federal government is officially investigating."

Flint Sends Overdue Notices to Residents Who Aren’t Paying for Their Water, Which Is Poison



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
A Legionnaires' Disease Outbreak in Flint
The city’s public-health crisis grows after Michigan officials announce 10 people have died from the waterborne illness since 2014.


Rebecca Cook / Reuters

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder announced Wednesday that Flint, Michigan, and the surrounding Genesse County have seen a spike in Legionnaires’ disease over the past year, killing 10 people and compounding the area’s growing water-supply crisis.

Dr. Edith Wells, the chief medical executive of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, told reporters that 87 cases of the disease had been reported between June 2014 and November 2015. Genesse County normally sees far fewer cases than that each year, according to the Detroit Free Press. Ten of the infected residents died from the disease.

Legionnaires’ disease is a form of pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria, which usually lives in warm, fresh water.

Epidemiologists first documented it after a mystery illness struck an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976, killing 23 attendants. Investigators traced the bacteria to warm, stagnant water in air-conditioning units at the Legionnaires’ hotel. The bacterium can also thrive in cooling towers, hot tubs, humidifiers, swimming pools, and similar types of reservoirs with contaminated water. The CDC estimates that between 8,000 and 18,000 people are hospitalized with Legionnaire’s disease each year.

State officials stressed at the press conference that they had yet to establish a clear link between the outbreak and Flint’s troubled water supply, which began drawing water from the Flint River in April 2014, shortly before the outbreak began. As my colleague David Graham noted last week, that switch precipitated a public-health crisis for Flint residents:

The problem dates back to April 2014, when Flint was under the direction of an emergency manager appointed by the state to try to fix the broken city. (Michigan law provides for the governor to select managers, and the provision has been used in several places in recent years, most prominently Detroit.) To save money, the city began drawing its water from the Flint River, rather than from Detroit’s system, which was deemed too costly. But the river’s water was high in salt, which helped corrode Flint’s aging pipes, leaching lead into the water supply.

The move saved millions, but the problems started becoming apparent almost immediately. The water starting smelling like rotten eggs. Engineers responded to that problem by jacking up the chlorine level, leading to dangerous toxicity. GM discovered that city water was corroding engines at a Flint factory and switched sources. Then children and others started getting rashes and falling sick. Marc Edwards, a Virginia Tech environmental-engineering professor, found that the water had nearly 900 times the recommend EPA limit for lead particles.

Flint Mayor Karen Weaver declared a state of emergency over the city’s toxic drinking water on December 15, and Snyder, who publicly apologized for his slow response to the crisis, activated the National Guard on Tuesday to distribute water bottles and filters to city residents. At Wednesday’s press conference, Snyder acknowledged that the outbreak “just adds to the disaster we are all facing.”

Other cities could face similar disasters over the next few decades as the nation’s aging pipes and pumps start to deteriorate. As my colleague Alana Semuels wrote last July, dilapidated water infrastructure is a growing problem for local governments throughout the country.

Indeed, water scarcity in the parched West might be getting the most news coverage, but infrastructure delays and climate change are causing big problems for cities in the North and Midwest, too. Last summer, hundreds of thousands of people in Toledo were told not to drink tap water because tests showed abnormally high levels of microcystins, perhaps related to algae blooms in Lake Erie. Microcystins can cause fever, headaches, vomiting, and—in rare cases—seizures. Heavy rainfall has caused backups in the filtering process at overloaded water-treatment plants in Pennsylvania, and so residents are frequently finding themselves under advisories to boil water. And Chicago, which installed lead service lines in many areas in the 1980s, is now facing a spike in lead-contaminated tap water.

Legionnaires' Disease Outbreak Reported in Flint, Michigan


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Spike In Fatal Bacteria Near Flint Could Be Linked To Ongoing Water Crisis




Staff Sgt. William Phillips, with the Michigan National Guard, assists a resident at a water distribution center Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016, at a fire station in Flint, Mich.

Health officials in Michigan are investigating an unusually large spike in cases of Legionnaires’ disease — a respiratory disease caused by Legionella bacteria — that could be related to an ongoing water crisis in the Flint area.

There have been 87 cases of Legionnaires’ disease reported in Genesee County, where Flint is located, over the past year and a half. Ten deaths have been linked to those cases.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Legionella bacteria is found naturally in fresh, warm water. People may be exposed when they breathe in water droplets from sources home to the bacteria — like hot tubs, large plumbing systems, and air-conditioning units in large buildings.

Residents in Flint have struggled to get access to clean water for the past two years, thanks to crumbling pipes and a tainted supply from a local river. Recent reports have concluded there’s now a disturbing level of lead in children’s bloodstreams — leading the governor to declare a state of emergency and deploy the National Guard to help pass out clean drinking water to the city’s 30,000 households.

Health officials have not yet confirmed whether the uptick in Legionnaires’ disease is related to the other water issues plaguing Flint. They believe the water in Genesee County is still safe to bathe in.

Still, they say the number of cases is troubling. “87 cases is a lot. That tells us that there is a source there that needs to be investigated,” Eden Wells, the chief medical executive for the state’s Health and Human Services Department, said at a press conference on Wednesday.

Gov. Rick Snyder (R) has been criticized for being too slow to respond to Flint’s public health emergency. Email records suggest that his administration may have known about the elevated lead levels months ago and failed to act. This month, some residents unsuccessfully sought tolaunch a recall petition against him, claiming the governor’s actions are responsible for creating the current situation.

Spike In Fatal Bacteria Near Flint Could Be Linked To Ongoing Water Crisis


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

  • Tap water in a Flint hospital on Oct. 16, 2015.


Listen to today's Environment Report
The Environmental Protection Agency says it’s conducting a full review of what happened in Flint.

For more than a year, state officials assured city residents their water was safe. Those assurances turned out to be wrong.

And it wasn’t until some residents got outside experts involved -- who not only found elevated lead levels in the drinking water, but that blood lead levels were also rising in Flint kids – that the state admitted there was a problem.

One of the more troubling charges made against the state is that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality knowingly dropped lead test samples to avoid exceeding a federal drinking water standard.

Curt Guyette with the ACLU of Michigan wrote about this in September:

An investigation by the ACLU of Michigan -- conducted in conjunction with the study of Flint's water by researchers at Virginia Tech and the citizen group Coalition for Clean Water -- has found that the city, operating under the oversight of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, took multiple actions that skewed the outcome of its tests to produce favorable results.

State officials maintain they followed the testing rules for lead under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

But others say that’s just not true.

Marc Edwards is an expert on water treatment at Virginia Tech University. He said the first and most important step did not occur in Flint.

The city is supposed to test homes known to either be serviced by lead service lines, or that have lead pipes or pipes with lead solder in them.

Large water systems are supposed to test the "worst-case-scenario" homes to see if they have a problem.
That’s the point of the federally-mandated Lead and Copper Rule. Large water systems are supposed to test the “worst-case-scenario” homes to see if they have a problem.

“They did not do that, and that is the primary reason that they missed the worst of the lead problem,” says Edwards.

Edwards lays the blame squarely on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality – not the city of Flint.

It was a state-appointed emergency manager who made the decision to switch the city’s source of drinking water to save money.

And it was the state’s responsibility to make sure that Flint was managing that switch correctly.

An altered report

“Even though they didn’t sample the highest risk homes in the samples collected by the city, they were still over the action level. So MDEQ, and I’ve never seen this in 25 years, took the initial report that the city gave and altered it,” says Edwards.

Edwards and the ACLU of Michigan obtained internal documents that showed the city originally submitted 71 drinking water samples to the state in July.

We did the math on those samples using the federal lead and copper rule. This original sample pool of 71 put the city over the federally mandated action level of 15 parts per billion of lead.

The city would have had to alert people that there was a lead problem, and they would have had to implement a corrosion control plan to keep the water from corroding the insides of pipes – a plan that was surprisingly absent in Flint. And they may have been required to start replacing lead service lines in the city.

This is all an expensive proposition in a city that made the switch to save money.

But that never happened.

The two reports side by side. The "draft" report shows the original number of samples taken in Flint. The final report shows two samples were dropped.
State officials came back and told the city to drop two samples.

Dropping those two samples put the city below the action level for lead. If the state had just dropped one high sample, Flint still would have been over the federal action level.

But dropping two samples put them below the action level.

To see exactly how this math works, check out this post.

The samples in question

Mike Glasgow is with the city of Flint. He’s the guy in charge of collecting the water samples.

Glasgow remembers including samples taken at one home that showed extremely high lead levels. A sample of Lee Anne Walters' home turned up a result of 104 parts per billion – almost seven times the federally mandated limit.

"I don't know that I can give you a good enough answer to tell you why they decided to remove it from the report."
“They instructed me to take it off the report,” says Glasgow. “I know she had taken some other samples and they had all the results too. I don’t know that I can give you a good enough answer to tell you why they decided to remove it from the report.”

The state denies any wrongdoing.

Dan Wyant is the director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

“What you’re suggesting is somehow that we dropped two tests purposely, and I can say we’ve gone back and looked at this,” says Wyant. “And so we’ve asked somebody in our laboratory. When the test comes in that doesn’t meet the protocol definition, they drop that test by definition alone, and so the reality is that’s how that sample got dropped.”

State officials say a sample from one home was dropped because there was a water filter. Homes with water filters are excluded because they might give a low result.

But the test result that was dropped –- the result from Lee Anne Walters home -- was the highest test result in the 2015 sampling pool: 104 parts per billion.

The second sample that was dropped showed 20 parts per billion of lead. The state says that sample was dropped because federal rules state that a sample can’t come from a business. It has to come from a home.

Spirit of the rule not followed?

So state officials say they made Flint drop test results because those samples didn’t follow guidelines.

But the guidelines for all the samples weren’t followed in the first place.

Federal rules say you must test the “worst-case-scenario” homes – the homes connected to pipes with lead in them. But the city didn’t do that.

Elin Betanzo is a water quality expert with the Northeast-Midwest Institute. She worked in the EPA’s drinking water office for eight years.

She says the rules say if a site is sampled – even if it’s not technically supposed to be in the sampling pool – the results should still be used to determine if the water supply is safe.

“If they did find high lead levels, that’s high lead levels in the water system. And the whole point of the rule is to be protective of public health for everyone consuming that water," Betanzo says. "So if one unplanned home is having high lead levels, that should factor into the compliance calculation.”

Marc Edwards says there are a lot of ways water utilities can "game" the lead and copper rule to try to turn up favorable results. In 2009, his team put out a white paper showing what he calls a list of "cheating strategies" used to get around the spirit of the lead and copper rule.

There are a lot of people looking into what was done in Flint. Governor Snyder appointed a panel to conduct a review. And EPA officials say they hope to share the results of their review sometime next week.

Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

@Mephistopheles @Serious @Darth Humanist @acri1 @Liquid etc


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Shyt's crazy and it's a huge scandal out here.

But Flint (for those who don't know) is majority black so I doubt anybody involved gets more than a slap on the wrist. :smh:


Apr 30, 2012
Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

  • Tap water in a Flint hospital on Oct. 16, 2015.


Listen to today's Environment Report
The Environmental Protection Agency says it’s conducting a full review of what happened in Flint.

For more than a year, state officials assured city residents their water was safe. Those assurances turned out to be wrong.

And it wasn’t until some residents got outside experts involved -- who not only found elevated lead levels in the drinking water, but that blood lead levels were also rising in Flint kids – that the state admitted there was a problem.

One of the more troubling charges made against the state is that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality knowingly dropped lead test samples to avoid exceeding a federal drinking water standard.

Curt Guyette with the ACLU of Michigan wrote about this in September:

An investigation by the ACLU of Michigan -- conducted in conjunction with the study of Flint's water by researchers at Virginia Tech and the citizen group Coalition for Clean Water -- has found that the city, operating under the oversight of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, took multiple actions that skewed the outcome of its tests to produce favorable results.

State officials maintain they followed the testing rules for lead under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

But others say that’s just not true.

Marc Edwards is an expert on water treatment at Virginia Tech University. He said the first and most important step did not occur in Flint.

The city is supposed to test homes known to either be serviced by lead service lines, or that have lead pipes or pipes with lead solder in them.

Large water systems are supposed to test the "worst-case-scenario" homes to see if they have a problem.
That’s the point of the federally-mandated Lead and Copper Rule. Large water systems are supposed to test the “worst-case-scenario” homes to see if they have a problem.

“They did not do that, and that is the primary reason that they missed the worst of the lead problem,” says Edwards.

Edwards lays the blame squarely on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality – not the city of Flint.

It was a state-appointed emergency manager who made the decision to switch the city’s source of drinking water to save money.

And it was the state’s responsibility to make sure that Flint was managing that switch correctly.

An altered report

“Even though they didn’t sample the highest risk homes in the samples collected by the city, they were still over the action level. So MDEQ, and I’ve never seen this in 25 years, took the initial report that the city gave and altered it,” says Edwards.

Edwards and the ACLU of Michigan obtained internal documents that showed the city originally submitted 71 drinking water samples to the state in July.

We did the math on those samples using the federal lead and copper rule. This original sample pool of 71 put the city over the federally mandated action level of 15 parts per billion of lead.

The city would have had to alert people that there was a lead problem, and they would have had to implement a corrosion control plan to keep the water from corroding the insides of pipes – a plan that was surprisingly absent in Flint. And they may have been required to start replacing lead service lines in the city.

This is all an expensive proposition in a city that made the switch to save money.

But that never happened.

The two reports side by side. The "draft" report shows the original number of samples taken in Flint. The final report shows two samples were dropped.
State officials came back and told the city to drop two samples.

Dropping those two samples put the city below the action level for lead. If the state had just dropped one high sample, Flint still would have been over the federal action level.

But dropping two samples put them below the action level.

To see exactly how this math works, check out this post.

The samples in question

Mike Glasgow is with the city of Flint. He’s the guy in charge of collecting the water samples.

Glasgow remembers including samples taken at one home that showed extremely high lead levels. A sample of Lee Anne Walters' home turned up a result of 104 parts per billion – almost seven times the federally mandated limit.

"I don't know that I can give you a good enough answer to tell you why they decided to remove it from the report."
“They instructed me to take it off the report,” says Glasgow. “I know she had taken some other samples and they had all the results too. I don’t know that I can give you a good enough answer to tell you why they decided to remove it from the report.”

The state denies any wrongdoing.

Dan Wyant is the director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

“What you’re suggesting is somehow that we dropped two tests purposely, and I can say we’ve gone back and looked at this,” says Wyant. “And so we’ve asked somebody in our laboratory. When the test comes in that doesn’t meet the protocol definition, they drop that test by definition alone, and so the reality is that’s how that sample got dropped.”

State officials say a sample from one home was dropped because there was a water filter. Homes with water filters are excluded because they might give a low result.

But the test result that was dropped –- the result from Lee Anne Walters home -- was the highest test result in the 2015 sampling pool: 104 parts per billion.

The second sample that was dropped showed 20 parts per billion of lead. The state says that sample was dropped because federal rules state that a sample can’t come from a business. It has to come from a home.

Spirit of the rule not followed?

So state officials say they made Flint drop test results because those samples didn’t follow guidelines.

But the guidelines for all the samples weren’t followed in the first place.

Federal rules say you must test the “worst-case-scenario” homes – the homes connected to pipes with lead in them. But the city didn’t do that.

Elin Betanzo is a water quality expert with the Northeast-Midwest Institute. She worked in the EPA’s drinking water office for eight years.

She says the rules say if a site is sampled – even if it’s not technically supposed to be in the sampling pool – the results should still be used to determine if the water supply is safe.

“If they did find high lead levels, that’s high lead levels in the water system. And the whole point of the rule is to be protective of public health for everyone consuming that water," Betanzo says. "So if one unplanned home is having high lead levels, that should factor into the compliance calculation.”

Marc Edwards says there are a lot of ways water utilities can "game" the lead and copper rule to try to turn up favorable results. In 2009, his team put out a white paper showing what he calls a list of "cheating strategies" used to get around the spirit of the lead and copper rule.

There are a lot of people looking into what was done in Flint. Governor Snyder appointed a panel to conduct a review. And EPA officials say they hope to share the results of their review sometime next week.

Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

@Mephistopheles @Serious @Darth Humanist @acri1 @Liquid etc
It wasn't "wrong", they LIED


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

  • Tap water in a Flint hospital on Oct. 16, 2015.


Listen to today's Environment Report
The Environmental Protection Agency says it’s conducting a full review of what happened in Flint.

For more than a year, state officials assured city residents their water was safe. Those assurances turned out to be wrong.

And it wasn’t until some residents got outside experts involved -- who not only found elevated lead levels in the drinking water, but that blood lead levels were also rising in Flint kids – that the state admitted there was a problem.

One of the more troubling charges made against the state is that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality knowingly dropped lead test samples to avoid exceeding a federal drinking water standard.

Curt Guyette with the ACLU of Michigan wrote about this in September:

An investigation by the ACLU of Michigan -- conducted in conjunction with the study of Flint's water by researchers at Virginia Tech and the citizen group Coalition for Clean Water -- has found that the city, operating under the oversight of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, took multiple actions that skewed the outcome of its tests to produce favorable results.

State officials maintain they followed the testing rules for lead under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

But others say that’s just not true.

Marc Edwards is an expert on water treatment at Virginia Tech University. He said the first and most important step did not occur in Flint.

The city is supposed to test homes known to either be serviced by lead service lines, or that have lead pipes or pipes with lead solder in them.

Large water systems are supposed to test the "worst-case-scenario" homes to see if they have a problem.
That’s the point of the federally-mandated Lead and Copper Rule. Large water systems are supposed to test the “worst-case-scenario” homes to see if they have a problem.

“They did not do that, and that is the primary reason that they missed the worst of the lead problem,” says Edwards.

Edwards lays the blame squarely on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality – not the city of Flint.

It was a state-appointed emergency manager who made the decision to switch the city’s source of drinking water to save money.

And it was the state’s responsibility to make sure that Flint was managing that switch correctly.

An altered report

“Even though they didn’t sample the highest risk homes in the samples collected by the city, they were still over the action level. So MDEQ, and I’ve never seen this in 25 years, took the initial report that the city gave and altered it,” says Edwards.

Edwards and the ACLU of Michigan obtained internal documents that showed the city originally submitted 71 drinking water samples to the state in July.

We did the math on those samples using the federal lead and copper rule. This original sample pool of 71 put the city over the federally mandated action level of 15 parts per billion of lead.

The city would have had to alert people that there was a lead problem, and they would have had to implement a corrosion control plan to keep the water from corroding the insides of pipes – a plan that was surprisingly absent in Flint. And they may have been required to start replacing lead service lines in the city.

This is all an expensive proposition in a city that made the switch to save money.

But that never happened.

The two reports side by side. The "draft" report shows the original number of samples taken in Flint. The final report shows two samples were dropped.
State officials came back and told the city to drop two samples.

Dropping those two samples put the city below the action level for lead. If the state had just dropped one high sample, Flint still would have been over the federal action level.

But dropping two samples put them below the action level.

To see exactly how this math works, check out this post.

The samples in question

Mike Glasgow is with the city of Flint. He’s the guy in charge of collecting the water samples.

Glasgow remembers including samples taken at one home that showed extremely high lead levels. A sample of Lee Anne Walters' home turned up a result of 104 parts per billion – almost seven times the federally mandated limit.

"I don't know that I can give you a good enough answer to tell you why they decided to remove it from the report."
“They instructed me to take it off the report,” says Glasgow. “I know she had taken some other samples and they had all the results too. I don’t know that I can give you a good enough answer to tell you why they decided to remove it from the report.”

The state denies any wrongdoing.

Dan Wyant is the director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

“What you’re suggesting is somehow that we dropped two tests purposely, and I can say we’ve gone back and looked at this,” says Wyant. “And so we’ve asked somebody in our laboratory. When the test comes in that doesn’t meet the protocol definition, they drop that test by definition alone, and so the reality is that’s how that sample got dropped.”

State officials say a sample from one home was dropped because there was a water filter. Homes with water filters are excluded because they might give a low result.

But the test result that was dropped –- the result from Lee Anne Walters home -- was the highest test result in the 2015 sampling pool: 104 parts per billion.

The second sample that was dropped showed 20 parts per billion of lead. The state says that sample was dropped because federal rules state that a sample can’t come from a business. It has to come from a home.

Spirit of the rule not followed?

So state officials say they made Flint drop test results because those samples didn’t follow guidelines.

But the guidelines for all the samples weren’t followed in the first place.

Federal rules say you must test the “worst-case-scenario” homes – the homes connected to pipes with lead in them. But the city didn’t do that.

Elin Betanzo is a water quality expert with the Northeast-Midwest Institute. She worked in the EPA’s drinking water office for eight years.

She says the rules say if a site is sampled – even if it’s not technically supposed to be in the sampling pool – the results should still be used to determine if the water supply is safe.

“If they did find high lead levels, that’s high lead levels in the water system. And the whole point of the rule is to be protective of public health for everyone consuming that water," Betanzo says. "So if one unplanned home is having high lead levels, that should factor into the compliance calculation.”

Marc Edwards says there are a lot of ways water utilities can "game" the lead and copper rule to try to turn up favorable results. In 2009, his team put out a white paper showing what he calls a list of "cheating strategies" used to get around the spirit of the lead and copper rule.

There are a lot of people looking into what was done in Flint. Governor Snyder appointed a panel to conduct a review. And EPA officials say they hope to share the results of their review sometime next week.

Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

@Mephistopheles @Serious @Darth Humanist @acri1 @Liquid etc
Now they need the feds

Michigan's governor asks Obama to issue emergency and major disaster declaration amid drinking water crisis in Flint
Snyder asks Obama for emergency declaration in water crisis
ASSOCIATED PRESS | 1 hour, 26 minutes ago
FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to issue an emergency and major disaster declaration amid a drinking water crisis in Flint that began months ago, and the state attorney general announced Friday that his office would investigate how the situation was handled.


Snyder's office said late Thursday it had asked for the declarations and is seeking additional federal aid for both individuals and public agencies involved in the effort to provide Flint residents with clean drinking water.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency said Friday it was reviewing the request and would make a recommendation to Obama as "expeditiously as possible."

Flint's tap water became contaminated with too much lead after the city switched its water supply in 2014 to save money while under state financial management. Local officials declared a public health emergency in October. Residents already are being urged to use drinking water filters, which are being distributed for free along with bottled water.

"We are utilizing all state resources to ensure Flint residents have access to clean and safe drinking water and today I am asking President Obama to provide additional resources as our recovery efforts continue," Snyder said in the statement.

If Snyder's request is approved, the individual assistance could include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, and the public assistance would help agencies such as city schools and the water system.

Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said she was glad to see Snyder move forward with the request. She was elected in November, unseating the incumbent mayor who led the city during the public health emergency, and in December declared a state of emergency.

"This should have been done a long time ago. This crisis didn't just happen. ... It has been a long time coming," she told WWJ-AM.

Snyder said Friday that Weaver's full authority as mayor should be restored. Flint, which has chronically poor finances, is being run day to day by a city administrator with oversight from a state advisory board.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette announced that his office would investigate to determine what, if any Michigan laws were violated in the water mess.

"The situation in Flint is a human tragedy in which families are struggling with even the most basic parts of daily life," Schuette said in a statement.

Federal prosecutors said earlier this month they're working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on an investigation. And the state auditor general and a task force earlier faulted the Department of Environmental Quality for not requiring Flint to treat the river water for corrosion and for belittling the public's fears.

For more than a year, water drawn from the Flint River leached lead from old pipes into homes after the city switched its drinking water. Flint has since returned to Detroit's system for its water, but officials remain concerned that damage to the pipes caused by the Flint River could allow them to continue leaching lead. Exposure to lead can cause behavior problems and learning disabilities in children as kidney ailments in adults.

Snyder declared an emergency last week. He pledged this week that officials would contact every household in Flint to check whether residents have bottled water and a filter and whether they want to be tested for lead exposure while his administration works on a long-term solution. On Tuesday, he activated the National Guard to help in distributing water, filters and other supplies and asked for help from FEMA in coordinating a recovery plan. FEMA has appointed a disaster recovery coordinator.

U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, a Democrat who represents the Flint area, has consistently criticized Snyder's response to the issue and advocated for greater federal assistance. He said Friday that he was glad to see Snyder's request.

Kildee said in a statement that "thousands of children of Flint who have been poisoned are the victims in this situation." He said Snyder's request "is an important step toward making sure they get the help they need."
May 29, 2012
Flint Sends Overdue Notices to Residents Who Aren’t Paying for Their Water, Which Is Poison
By Ben Mathis-Lilley


Downtown Flint in a photo taken on Dec. 16, 2015.

Rebecca Cook/Reuters

Flint, Michigan, is sending out notices to residents who haven't been paying for their city water services. The notices say that services could be cut off if payment isn't received. This is a normal civic administrative practice except for one thing: Flint's water is so badly poisoned that the National Guard and Federal Emergency Management Agency have been called in to manage the situation, which has left residents drinking bottled water that's being given out as an emergency measure.

In a matter that, remarkably, appears unrelated to the problems involving the toxic elements in the water, the city had been enjoined in recent months from sending overdue notices because of a lawsuit accusing it of raising service rates improperly. But with that restriction lifted, "about 1,800 shutoff notices for past-due accounts are expected to be mailed to customers this week," the MLive site reports.

Police in Flint also confirmed this week that a break-in was reported over the Christmas holiday at an office in City Hall where documents related the the water crisis were kept. "At this point it's hard to tell if any files were taken," the city's mayor says, but no other offices were apparently targeted by the burglary.

Federal authorities announced on Jan. 5 that they will investigate whether the water crisis, which you can read more about here, involved any criminal activity. As Daily Kos puts it, "It's probably just a coincidence that this break-in occurred in the mayor's suite, in the one office containing the documents relating to the lead poisoning of residents, with no other offices burglarized, just days before confirmation the federal government is officially investigating."

Flint Sends Overdue Notices to Residents Who Aren’t Paying for Their Water, Which Is Poison


You can't be serious :dwillhuh: