King Crimson
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Damn. I ain’t even know that. And yeah, a sequel or series would be dope.Dope movie. I thought The Raid was the source material, but apparently both scripts were written the same time. Raid just went into production first. Should have had a sequel or Netflix series. Dredd would be amazing as a 1 hr weekly on Netflix or Prime
I remember Tracy Morgan on Howard Stern saying that the incredible hulk was just White rage.
The move Dress 2012 was shot well though
Could you imagine the Hulk written in 2021? He’d be mad at cancel culture and liberals. Hilarious.
Falling Down, pissed off white man walking through the ghetto decides to take his frustrations out on the locals
Bruh. What. The. fukk?
Also, wasn’t there a thread on here about some wild ass cop movie that was supposed to come out about a year or two ago about some crooked ass cops that was supposed to be wild explicit?