Concerning VIolence
The white farmers are the only ones with the technical expertise to rebuild Zimbabwean agricultural economy
Quoted again for emphasis.

The white farmers are the only ones with the technical expertise to rebuild Zimbabwean agricultural economy
Mugabe has been playing the role of Fidel for the past thirty years with his family living lavish while the common man suffered. Memories of Mugabe's revolutionary activities were bound to be forgotten after decades of cronyism, nepotism, corruption, mismanagement, etc.. To me this is a lesson about unchecked power which includes failing instincts as one becomes elderly because Mugabe didn't see it coming. He thought his family was supposed to rule like this forever.
Hopefully the new leadership will leverage their resources and maybe their people will get some assistance in the form of infrastructure and labor. If that means Western countries "assisting" them in that regards well then its a necessary evil. Welcome to the 21st century Zimbabwe, hopefully.
Like I said this is nothing new.Before yall act surprised Mugabe was trying to get those same White farmers back. This is nothing new.
Zimbabwe seized white farmers’ land. Now some are being invited back.
Zimbabwe seized white farmers’ land. Now some are being invited back.
Emmerson giving compensation to those White farmers is retarded as fukk. He should instead promote education in agriculture and give the lands to those who KNOW how to farm(and not friends and families like Mugabe did). Anyways, Emmerson is probably doing this because he wants to revive the agriculture sector which would help revive the economy. Since the agriculture sector(alone with mining) were the biggest economic players in Zimbabwe.
With Mugabe out of the way it was obvious we would see these cacs trying to get back in.
Mugabe begs whites to return to ZimbabweThe Government of Zimbabwe led by the President Robert Mugabe now says that it wishes to see the return of white farmers. The country’s economy lies in ruins after white farmers were subjected to years of government sanctioned harassment.
White people aren't gonna have power like that in Zimbabwe again. Rhodesia is dead and buried.
The latter. But the Blacks who were owning the farms were Mugabe's friends and families who did not know jack about farming. Mugabe should have taxed the hell out of those White farmers OR replaced them with Black Zimbabweans who KNOW HOW to farm. What Mugabe did was akin to killing off an entire bee population in an area to get to the honey. Yeah, you got rid of the dangerous bees but now you have no honey. Should have domesticated the bees or replaced those dangerous bees with bees who know how to make honey and are less dangerous.Do you think Mugabe wanted to invite the cac farmers he expelled to replace qualified black people, or do you think he had to because the farms were of key economic importance?
You stupid American fukks can't even fukking take care of your own shotty country yet you want to speak on others.
Go fukk yourself
Stupid fukking Americans as usual.
No understanding of anything except that hamster in your brain
I think he was just desperate(probably thought promoting education in agriculture would take to long) to revive the economy. Plus many Zimbabweans were starving. C is the most likely answer.We're in complete agreement. This is the part I can't understand. From what I know of Mugabe, he most definitely would have preferred to replace his incompetent farming people with other competent black farmers. The choice to skip over black farmers to invite cacs he despises seems orthogonal to his ideology, and makes me very confused.
From my perspective, he invited cacs back because either
a) He despised the competent black farmers more than cacs (it's hard to imagine he despised any group more than cacs)
b) Sheer incompetence. They didn't even think of handing it to the competent black Zimbabweans before cacs (again, unlikely. It's an obvious choice.)
c) There really weren't enough qualified black Zimbabweans to run the farm.
We're like toddlers, keep doing the same shyt over and over.Black folks ain't gone never learn!