I dont get how Rugby is played. shyt is confusing
I dont get how Rugby is played. shyt is confusing
I watched a few of the matches from the world cup last year,its not that confusing..Only thing i dont get is the ruck rules and how they determine who gets the ball on line outs when they do that goofy throw in where they toss a guy in the air to the catch the inbound balls...Other than that and some of the penalties its an easy ass game to follow...
League is closer to Gridiron than Union is.
You got to win the ball on line outs, regardless of which team puts it in, think of a line out as a tip off in basketball
Thing i dont get about the line outs is one team throws it in,can i assume the same team has the advantage to winning the ball ?
breh, the nfl players wouldnt know how to throw the ball let alone what to do at a ruck
and im not trying to dwongrade the skill of Peterson or lynch, but they would struggle if they tried there nfl running styles against a rugby team
Marshawn Lynch Beast Mode 67 yard TD against Saints - YouTube
Marshawn Lynch "Beast Mode" - best 7-yard run ever - YouTubeHe dragged like 8 dudes on this.
Marshawn Lynch owning Ray Lewis - YouTube
You really think this guy would have problems on a field with Euros and Aussies?
As an aside, there is no way that Samoan guy ran a 10.8, he didn't beat one pursuit angle![]()
breh im dead serious, you think lynch can do that for 80 mins straight nonstop against a rugby team? im being dead serious when i tell you he will have trouble in rugby cause the defense are way different and even the offense cause when he catches the ball the D is gonna be on him
and im not even putting down a NFL player, but the truth is no nfl player would come through trucking rugby players like its rookie difficulty on madden and vice versa to a rugby player on a nfl game
not AD but an American Olympics sprinter in rugbyImagine the runs nfl players could do with no pads.
Carlin Isles. Olympic Dream - YouTube