They will not ever going to change the name. But they will always bring it up.
This name has BEEN racist and BEEN offensive, but people will ignore it because it's "tradition" and, really, this country has NEVER given a fukk about Native Americans. And there aren't even enough Native Americans left to make it a HUGE issue, plus there's always going to be enough Native Americans in leadership positions who will say it doesn't bother them.
The situation, to me, is no different if there was a team in the NHL named the Alabama c00ns.
Oh yeah, and this shouldn't stop at the Redskins.
The Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, etc. (I'm sure I'm missing a couple) need to go too.
Oh yeah, and this shouldn't stop at the Redskins.
The Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, etc. (I'm sure I'm missing a couple) need to go too.
This name has BEEN racist and BEEN offensive, but people will ignore it because it's "tradition" and, really, this country has NEVER given a fukk about Native Americans. And there aren't even enough Native Americans left to make it a HUGE issue, plus there's always going to be enough Native Americans in leadership positions who will say it doesn't bother them.
The situation, to me, is no different if there was a team in the NHL named the Alabama c00ns.
What about the Kansas City Chiefs?![]()
Stop it.
There seems to be no etymological evidence that the word "redskin" originally meant anything other than "an aborigine with red skin". According to Take Our Word For It, the earliest recorded use of the word was found in a quotation from 1699: "Ye firste Meetinge House was solid mayde to withstande ye wicked onsaults of ye Red Skins."
Most people assume that the word described the natural skin color of the North American Indians. However, there exists documentation that the name "redskin" was conferred upon the native inhabitants by the English Colonists because of the red body paint they wore in battle. Because the 1699 quotation would certainly be referring to Indian warriors, this seems to be the most likely explanation of the origin of "redskin"..