Was Joshua actually the son of the Egyptian God Nu/Nun?


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
the great pyramid's design is a triangle on four sides (8 sides during the equinox) and this triangle lines up with the dog star Sirius, signifying the worship of the host of heaven. Egypt and Yahuah have been in direct confrontation since the very beginning. The knowledge of Egypt is obviously satanic.

The pineal gland is an organic spiritual control mechanism, not to bring you closer to Yahuah (which there is no need to because He is all powerful) but works as an antenna to signal to demonic entities for possession. This is why all hindu deities are depicted with their third eye open, you know, 'dot on the head' deal. Don be fooled by mysticism into pure satanism, which is what Egyptology is. Not the stuff we see now, which is the watered down Egypt, but pure satanism, with all the control devices and mechanisms working on you guys from thousands of years into the past.


im sure you can see the signs. The pyramid works the same way, it is an idol. The 'Djedi' would go into the pyramid, be tortured unto death (or almost), and then resurrected with a powerful spirit attatched to them, similar now to trauma-based and ritual-based mind control used by mk ultra, monarch etc. infact it is where that stuff comes from. This is why all pharaohs were known as 'gods', its a euphemism for being possessed with a very high demon.
This post just made me realize the 666 connection :ohhh:


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
Why does this so called devil ruled this so called realm for 6000 years
What is this entities intentions
Adam and Eve committed sin thus giving him dominion over the earth, his intention is to literally be the biggest hater in existence and turn everyone in the world against Yah because that’s pretty much the worst thing he can do because he can’t hurt him universally (but he knows that still pisses God off, for a troll that’s pretty much as good as it gets)


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL

Mad props like always.

Art Barr
the greatest evidence i can show you is Numbers 22 (its entirety) and consider the perspective of the snails punishment relative its natural way...dimensionally


Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
I disagree here. Not all things of those days were Satanic or looked at that way. Kemetians were the keys of knowledge in that time...it somehow went the wrong way and we got this crap now.
Somehow went the wrong way?

I think we know who is responsible for that

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
1. the infinite, universal, the one, are all code names for satanic worship. there are only two religions in this world, the Hebrew worship of Alaheim Yahuah and satanism. Though satanism manifests different in different cultures, the Worship of Alaheim does not. You are very confused about history in general here. You are a new age spiritualist, this is theosohpic worship of satan, the same thing Bravostky, allister Crowley, jack parsons, and many many other satanists teach. This is NOT new. you are a theosophist, a mystic, a satanist.

this is what the third eye is

“In India it is called “The Eye of Shiva,” but beyond the great range it is known as “Dangma’s opened eye,” in esoteric phraseology. Dangma means a purified soul, one who has become a Jivanmukta, the highest adept, or rather a Mahatma so-called. His “opened eye” is the inner spiritual eye of the seer, and the faculty which manifests through it is not clairvoyance as ordinarily understood, i.e., the power of seeing at a distance, but rather the faculty of spiritual intuition, through which direct and certain knowledge is obtainable. This faculty is intimately connected with the “third eye,” which mythological tradition ascribes to certain races of men.”

(4) It remains latent and dormant within all human beings today, as the Pineal Gland.
“The “deva-eye” exists no more for the majority of mankind. The third eye is dead, and acts no longer; but it has left behind a witness to its existence. This witness is now the PINEAL GLAND.”

“Nor yet does he [i.e. the modern physiologist] know anything of the pineal gland, which he describes as a horny gland with a little sand in it, and which is the very key to the highest and divinest consciousness in man – his omniscient, spiritual and all embracing mind. This seemingly useless appendage is the pendulum which, once the clock-work of the inner man is wound up, carries the spiritual vision of the EGO to the highest planes of perception, where the horizon open before it becomes almost infinite"

This is from Helen Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. the Deva-eye is the is the Eye of satan eye of ra eye of horus, eye of Lucifer. Have you ever heard of Helen Blavatsky? She is a sorceress, mystic satanist from the late 1800's. this is where this teaching comes from and why you worship it. It is called satanism. Lets see what Helen says about lucifer.

“It is but natural – even from the dead letter standpoint – to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he who was the “Harbinger of Light,” bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was the first to whisper: “in the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil” – can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour."

so then your entire doctrine, comes from Helen Blavatsky, by way of the ancient hindu and buddist teachings, by way of satan. You are both fighting against the 'nwo elite' created by satan, and worshipping him at the same time. how confused can you be?

2. Ancient Phoenician/canaan/Babylonian script is identical to paleo-Hebrew. Which means that the very first language in recorded history to be written down was Hebrew. This is why there are Hebrew words in every single language on earth. The Hebrews come from Shem in the bible, the Egyptians from Ham. Egypt is know as Mizraim and all spoke the same language after the flood. When Alaheim split the languages up, Hebrew was left as the mother tongue and the language of Alahiem and His people. Demonic deities ALWAYS copy from the original. why? Because there is nothing more powerful than the original. For instance you say Eloheim, that is not correct. The word is spelled in Hebrew: Alef, Lamad, Hei, Yod, Mem, which literally spells Alaheim. The term is often shortened and put into the names of followers (Danial, not Daniel), but satan, using the names of Yahuah, will duplicate these sayings for his own worship. Thus AL in hebrew becomes El in Caanan (for Saturn), because the original language was Hebrew. Amen becomes amen-ra, Ba-Al becomes Baal/Beel (as in Beelzebub-meaning lord of the flies) and even still present today as Alaheim becomes allah. Do you see how this works? It even works as a greeting, as the term used in the book of Danial is 'Aluha' also rendered "Aloha', which still is short for Alaheim. it is not one or two examples here and there, it is in EVERY language extant, past or present. Are you understanding this yet or are you confused? if you are offended by Hebrew, then you are offended by the truth, which is what you claim everyone else is.

3. What you are practicing is theosophy, spiritism, mysticism, also known as satanism. Caribean hudu/vudu preists do not open their third eyes, but they still use the same symbology and are satanists. Santaria, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Hermeticism all satanic doctrines that worship slightly different. All spiritism and satanic doctrine of unlocking the 'innerman' and becoming a god. This is what you are doing, worshipping the god-man doctrine of the snake.

4. Yahusha's age of cruxificion is now satanic? Because He was crucified at 33? So Yahusha is satan? do you see where your doctrine is taking you? don't you see this as nonsensical? You should, and this is as obvious a satanic reference as ive even heard from professed satanists, not confused ones.

5. Duality? Do you know what duality is? It is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The dual philosophies are fully masonic (as above so below, masonic checkerboard, etc). This is called also Hegalianism, a phrase alex jones uses over and over again. but do you know what it means and what it does. IT IS MIND CONTROL, obviously a form of control you have fallen victim to . Hegal, where this philosophy is first psychologically explored, defines it as creating two opposing doctrines, thesis vs antithesis, to pit the two against eachother. Dualistic philosophy, balancing the light and the dark, IS ALL DARK. Why, because antning that is good and evil is all evil pretending to be good. What fellowship does light have with darkness?

Im sorry but you may be the most confused person on this board, simultaneously exposing the satanic elite, but align with every single doctrine they have. Please do further research, don't just stop at what sounds good. Man im so disappointed in you.
:damn: :wow:
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
  • One is our God, in heaven and on earth - אחד אלוהינו שבשמיים ובארץ
"Hear, O Israel: YHWH is our God, YHWH is one" (Hebrew: שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד׃)

Dualism is a trap that is hard to see out of, Oneism is inescapable but its not all third-eye mysticism

here are two perspectives one can take on that kind of sight, proactive and retroactive @010101