Allen Poe
All Star
1. Yeah download the mobile app and use the extractors.
2. For easy leveling use the regional chat to ask someone to taxi you to Hydron
3. Fastest way to get the best frames without having to pay is to run void missions to unlock relics but…
4. need to unlock all your star map nodes first. So ask people in chat to help you unlock your star map.
5. Focus on ranking up your Cetus standing in the Plains of Eidolon so that you can build a melee Zaw. With the right setup they are the best melees in the game.
6. Rank up Fortuna so you can build a kitgun. Those are some of the best guns in the game.
7. Always try to join a party or create one because they increase the amount of exp.
8. Do Nightwave as much as you can.
9. Don’t waste Forma. Don’t waste orokin catalyst etc. Don’t waste Endo. Don’t bother potatoing weak weapons.
10. Zenurik is the best Focus school period.