...what?this is kind of a dummy opinion though. For one walmarts food is disgusting and nobody should be eating it.... They clearly get most of that stuff from china or the cheapest place possible. Half of what they sell is microwavable fake food that is probably ground up random pieces of flesh/bone etc. Nobody should be eating it. Their fresh food section is just a bunch of processed meat. They import all this questionable food with non english packaging that people keep finding plastic in and shyt. Lots of the other things they sell that are cheap, like household items etc. can be found at the same price in other stores. I don't get this big thing about wall mart it treats employees like every other company and it's prices aren't that incredible and it's food is nasty, their clothes are terrible etc. I can get cheap socks. brita filters and tupperware all over the place the same price as wall mart.
Processed foods aside (which you can buy anywhere) walmart superstores just have regular groceries like everyone else.