Tha pistol is amazing.
Edit: This shyt is dope.
It's obviously what Halo 4
should have been as cliche as that sounds. The fact that there's no random weapon drops,
killstreaks or superfluous loadouts makes this a MUCH better game from a balancing standpoint.
At first I was like
as it just seemed like a COD/Titanfall/Halo mash up but then after about 6 games or so it started to feel like Halo but just faster and refined.
I started to rely less on the ADS and used hipfire more but I haven't really felt like I had unfair or bullshyt deaths due to the psuedo ADS.
It's NOT Halo CE or Halo 2 but then again if you just want Halo 2 then go play MCC, at least those two games are playable with modern updates.
The main things I think that needs to be nerfed are the AR's, Sword lunges and maybe lower sprint duration??

I feel like I got kills easily with the assault rifle and SMG. I'd say the pistol is really good too but idk

It's good now that there isn't way too many variables in this game compared to Halo 4 which made it a headache to balance I assume.
The controls?? Feels buttery smooth

! Aiming and popping headshots feels wonderful and the hit register sounds as well as the hitmarkers is very satisfying. There's "oomph" in the gameplay.
The movement speed is really tight and moving around and using the thruster pack while in engaging in a shoot out feels good. I honestly couldn't see why it can't stay.
Everyone else has it and it's not something that needs a "counter" as again it's by default a core mechanic. The ADS mechanic could get axed for all I care as I didn't see any use of it outside of pure muscle memory of pressing L to aim since the controls reminded me of Titan larry a lil bit.
My favorite touch to the MP was the contextual player chatter. It makes matches feel much more alive even if a real person isn't on mic. It was one of the things I loved about UC/Gears MP when I think about it and I'm glad to see it put to use here.
I landed a kill and one of the Spartans near me said "nice headshot" on cue. It does sound a bit militarized but what can I say?? It's a new game and it's merely adding to the presentation.
Speaking of that, the post game screen with the high fives and shyt??

Look so corny.
The GFX honestly looked very "meh" and wasn't on par with even the Halo collection games but I'd chalk it up to it being a very early beta. I know the game could look better. No one could tell me they'd be okay with the next gen Halo looking this rough.
The game is better than Halo 4 by a big margin right off the bat and it'll take a few rounds to grow on you as it feels kind of different at first.