Matchmaking just found a game in less than a minute
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is it safe to buy yet?
Well George, that's WHY you're lord of the idiots :smugjerry:can u do online coop with ur friends through all of the story modes...
im just gonna come out and say i done fukked going playstation over halobox
Bro did you know that the halo 2 classic in the MCC is actually a port of the PC halo 2?this patch right here nikka...bout to update now...
- Made improvements to matchmaking team balance
- Made an update to improve matchmaking search times and success rates, specifically expediting the “Players Found” and “Connecting Session” search phases
- Made improvements to prevent a player’s rank from resetting unexpectedly
- Made an update to resolve an issue that allowed players to be placed into an incorrect lobby after a matchmaking game
- Made improvements to prevent the party from being disbanded upon returning to lobby
- Made an update to ensure that players are sorted by team in the “Match Found” screen
- Resolved an issue where Team Slayer matches in Halo 3 could separate players onto individual teams
- Resolved an issue where players could be placed into a group of 7 players and unable to find more
- Made improvements to ensure that the party-leader is prompted to “Bring Party” when leaving a lobby
- Made an update to ensure that split-screen players cannot be divided onto different teams
- Made improvements to ensure that clients are not kicked from parties at the end of matchmaking games with a “failed to connect” error
- Made an update to ensure that Halo 2: Anniversary matches do not continue indefinitely after entire opposing team quits
- Made an update to ensure that parties are not separated when the party leader navigates through multiple titles
- Made improvements to prevent manual team selection from getting reset after a Custom Game match
- Made an update to ensure that the “Make Party Leader” command functions correctly
- Made an update to ensure that the “Too Close to the Sun” achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made an update to ensure that the “Monopolized” achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made an update to ensure that the “Devastating” achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made an update to ensure that the “You’re Joking” achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met
- Made improvements to Halo 2: Anniversary objective pickup, specifically in regards to objective “juggling”
- Made an update to Halo 3’s movement input, specifically to resolve a deadzone issue which affected moving in a straight line
- Made additional improvements to Halo: CE fall damage scenarios
- Made an update to resolve a Halo 2 Classic campaign issue where a black screen could overlay the gameplay screen
- Made a variety of stability improvements across the following areas:
- Matchmaking
- Custom Games
- Halo 4 Campaign
- Made an update to ensure that clan tags appear in the post-game carnage report for all players
- Made an update to ensure that players are sorted by team in the post-game carnage report
- Made an update to ensure that emblems are displayed correctly in the post-game carnage report
Bro did you know that the halo 2 classic in the MCC is actually a port of the PC halo 2?