Black is a white mans label.
If we want to take it there lets just go by what our ancestors called themselves.
My only thing if i find it interesting that for the the people formerly known as African Americans , there is no traces of language or written text or any artifiacts from this mythical kingdom.
At the end lf the day though i got no confusion about who or what I am so more power to those who are trying to figure out who they are but Im not going to tolerate people dismissing the documented brutality my ancestral aunts uncles and cousins went through.
Yeah, it’s really insulting to the legacy that made AAs who they are today. But I think that’s just a testament to the atrocities that occurred generationally. Talk to people from the islands, it’s almost always the same thing. They were there already, we came down from a ladder in the sky. I see it this way. If these fairytales help people feel better, what’s the harm in that?