Roads and bridges are engineered to last 50, 75, 100, or 150 years. For instance, the eastern span of the Bay Bridge was designed for 150 years of use.
Some U.S. airports are not as efficient as those in other "developed" countries (say Zurich, Tokyo, etc.), but you were claiming America is third-world. A big reason why we are less efficient than others, and why infrastructure projects get shelved, is because our culture is create, invent, and innovate centric. The efficiency side is better in Asia and Europe.
Another reason is because we have a bunch of complaining losers who say stuff like, "Costa Rica is better yo," without actually contributing a damn thing to infrastructure in the states. If you have these complaints, hit up a Houston city council meeting, learn how to get civil engineering projects off the ground and make it happen.
And I always ask why you "these third-world countries are better than America" guys don't just relocate to third-world countries?