No you so full of shyt ti's hard for your to recognize were did i Palestinians belong in Israel....implying that Syrian refugees of alleged Palestinian origin in Lebanon would most likely return to Palestine when the civl war broke out in Syria doesnt= Palestenians belong in Israel...again sharpen up reading comprehension
Like I said...Sudanese have stronger regional and blood ties to Israel than Akanazi from Europe.My point is that the white pseudo jews have about as much validity complaining about African migrants to Israel as cacs in Amerikkka have getting upset about Mexicans migrating here.
I'm pretty sure race is something blacks Asians and Africans have in common and that at one point in history there were black East Africans and Near Eastern Asians whom were apart of the same civilization and considered one people.
no you an safe negro cause you admitted to brownosing cacs for their acceptance and to advance.