Think about it...
You live in a third world, shythole of a country. There is no economic mobility, you can't move upward, corruption is immense, and you can't have any sense of freedom.
Wouldn't you find a way out?
I find it hilarious whenever non-white people immigrate to lands to make their lives better it becomes a problem. All of the sudden, they need to go back home and develop their own country blah, blah, blah. But yet, these same people telling these immigrants to do so had ancestors that went into other people's lands destroying everything and ruining shyt for generations to come.
That's why Europe and the grand ol' U.S.A. is getting the shyt they are getting with immigrants. They complain about immigrants not assimilating but hey, you guys didn't assimilate when you went into other people's land years ago. They complain about crime but hey, you guys committed horrible atrocities when you went into other people's lands.
What goes around comes around.
When it comes to Israel, I think it's pathetic that they are doing the same that was done to them. They were immensely hated on in Middle Age Europe, got damn near extinct during the Holocaust, and still have haters to this day. However, they want to turn around and do the same.
I would say more, but you never who is watching so I keep it reserved.
Anyways, the White power/supremacy is crumbling. They know it and can't handle it. That's why they are freaking out. fukk em'.
But here's the real question: Once they are out of power, who is taking their spot?
Something to think about.