From where I sit, black women fall victim to the same grand narratives that affect black men in that black women are dehumanized and considered disposable, which makes it difficult, almost impossible, to view them as victims.
You see this with the way whites weaponize "black on black crime". The obvious corollary to black on black crime is that the victim is black, but its never framed that way because white racists cant view blacks with sympathy, so they view the victims and perpetrators in the same lens as some sort of animalistic choreography of sub humans.
Even on this site, it's quite common to portray black women as ugly, mentally inferior, hyper-masculine, loud, and aggressive --- with this sort of portrayal it stands to reason that violence against them is natural byproduct of how awful they supposedly behave as a group (just like violence against black men is natural because of the supposed behaviors of black men). Even among the average black person, Im sure a white victim of domestic violence is more sympathetic than a black woman given the narratives blacks themselves promote.
People get on me when I say things like coli is the black st0rmfr0nt and what not, and while that equivalency is an exaggeration its born out of genuine frustration with black men and how they are so comfortable adopting horrible views about black women, and others, that mimic white resentment of blacks overall. Its why I've largely checked out of racial discussions, and changed my views overall, because I think people in general are self-absorbed, and self-focused a$$holes who view other groups with scorn and undeserving of the same consideration as them.