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Don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for yourself that you think the first step in quelling domestic violence is "fixing" the victims.
it is a step if not the first...
Don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for yourself that you think the first step in quelling domestic violence is "fixing" the victims.
The clinics aren't for abusive men. They're for people to understand proper behavior that wasn't instilled in them as children, you dolt.I'm actually surprised that even after that post you can't figure out I'm not talking about the victims
Look idiot. ..... I'm speaking on girls who are yet to be in the situation, not the victims.
Some young women don't know to always say something If someone touches them.
Others see aggressive behavior as norm so when adults they accept it multiple times in relationships.
Some just don't know what situations not to place themselves in....... for example me N my boys would get girls to come chill with us after the club and even ride in the range. They ALL could have been gangraped and the ALL wouldn't be my daughter because only a woman who nobody trained as a girl would be alone w men....
The tough fight is against the sexual pre.. and abusive men, because the justice system does a poor job plus
Only a damN idiot would think setting up clinics for abusive men is a solution![]()
It's swept under the rug. I think broken families might have something to do with it since it can make one feel unsupported.
Nah its pretty rampant in different societies.True indeed, and also the main problem is that Misogyny breeds a mentality of viewing women as weak, which produces animalistic behaviors , which plays out in violence. In our community, brothers think making their women doormats is somehow manly,when we never had this type of mentality and behavior before colonization here in Amerikkka.
STFU...DATE BETTER MENvictim blaming doesnt help
You are an imbecile.STFU...DATE BETTER MEN
Where's the study? Pointing out these cases doesn't change the fact that men kill more women in domestic violence situations, and that black women are killed much more than other women in these situations.I'm not trying to troll, but according to a study (ironically released around the time Steve McNair was killed) conducted by a physician, domestic violence is roughly initiated equally among males and females.
The only reason I bring it up is because if domestic violence is a learned behavior, telling Timothy and Tyrone not to hit girls is going to be ineffective when they go home and see their mother socking their father, or pouring boiling water on him. The same is true for Susan or Keisha. If you only ignore domestic violence committed by women, you end up with cases like those below.
Where's the study? Pointing out these cases doesn't change the fact that men kill more women in domestic violence situations, and that black women are killed much more than other women in these situations.
Stopped reading after you said that Janay Rice was the "aggressor".I doubt you even listened to the interview I posted. The fact you posted a article with that football player who duffed his girlfriend proves my point. If you watch the video, it clearly shows she was the aggressor in the situation. This is the article the guest on the show referenced with the name of the journal the study was published in.
This is a pdf of part of the study.
This is the abstract of the study
This is from the NCBI
This is a article from Jezebel
Here's some more articles with referenced studies
If you want to go to Jstor, or your public library and find the journal yourself, that's your prerogative.
Disraeli said there were lies, damn lies, and statistics. Your only pointing out quantitative numbers. What are the qualitative reasoning's behind the stats? As far as men killing more women in domestic violent situations, the thinking is that men are physically stronger, and therefore able to dominate, and inflict more damage on their partners. What are the social economic factors involved in domestic violence, what are the education levels of the batters, is alcohol involved, or illicit drug use? Did the perpetrators grow up in a household where domestic violence was prevalent? I'll point out again that it's believed that domestic violence is a learned behavior. Regardless of your gender, if you commit domestic violence in front of your children, they're going to normalize that behavior, and grow up to become potential perpetrators of domestic violence, regardless of their gender. Any one can point out stats, but if you want to solve the problem you have to approach it from a qualitative approach. But you don't want to do that, you just want to troll, so carry on.