A lot of em looking like AAs

y didnt u call this Vintage Sudanese People?
Map of sites excavated by the MFA Expedition. CAIRO = modern city; Giza = site excavated by the MFA Expedition; Port Said = other places mentioned. Courtesy of Peter Der Manuelian, 2002
Mary Reisner mending faience at Nuri Camp, 1917, Sudan. Courtesy of Harvard University–MFA Expedition, 1917, neg. D290
Amara West excavation team, this excavation was during the 1930'-1940's by the Egyptian Exploration Society, from the British Museum
The EES team, with workmen, at Amara West in 1938-9. Seated left of centre is I.E.S. Edwards, then working as Assistant Keeper in the British Museum Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities.
Temple of Ramis which is the most well preserved outside of Luxor, i believe. However it is reburried in the sands.
Italian matchbox discarded by the EES excavators in the 1940s
It amazes me how similar Sudanese people (specifically Beja, Ababda) are with Horners. We're almost indistinguishable from one another
We dress the same too, shyt is crazy. I got old school pics like this of my family members back in Ethiopia (corny western clothes and everything) but I wouldn't want to post em. Nice thread tho
A lot of em looking like AAs![]()