I said WWE didn't have any comp to "keep them on their toes" and its the truth. WCW was that rival that WWF/E always needed in order to have a decent product. With them being the only big show in town they can put out garbage and don't have to worry about anyone upstaging them. And obviously if WCW was still around it would have been because they were still a successful mainstream company. TNA is ok but it has never been on the level as a whole as WCW or WWE to be considered competiion. And most people look at them as second rate who recycle old wrestlers over and over again. Though I admit that some of their product has been good over the years. They just need to keep with it and cut away all the dead weight.
thats bullchit.
you shouldnt have to have competition in order to at least be watchable. and i remember numerous years in the '90s when wcw & others were around, where the wwf was wack juice. and in the '80s, wrestling heads looked down on the wwf as commercial sellout chit.
and if youre a wrestling fan, you shouldnt be worried about a singular promotion being kept on their toes unless you have some sort of stock or financian investment in the company. otherwise, youre nothing but a mark.
and that whole "they recycle old wrestlers" argument is propaganda stemming from the brainwashing job that the wwf did to casual fans in the '90s during the monday night wars. every promotion recycles talent from other promotions, and the wwf is the most notorious for it actually. this all goes back to what im saying about brand recognition & brainwashing. youve been duped, and im here to save you.
and yes, thru the majority of their existence, tna has put a better product on the table than the wwe. i see that you never really bothered to give the promotion a fair look, judging by your comments so theres no need for a back-n-forth.