Vincent Kennedy McMahon squishing WCW appreciation

May 21, 2012
WWF buying WCW wasn't the problem - it was the way Vince portrayed the entire company during the Invasion. In addition, it suffered from the fact that barely any big name WCW stars actually came in aside from Booker T and DDP. Goldberg, Sting, Flair, Steiner etc all sat and collected their guaranteed contracts.

The Death of WCW is a great book for all this sort of shyt

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
you had this guy on top though... he got lucky when Hall jumped :rambo: and never really understood the wrestling biz

Ted Turner Says It's "Good" American Soldiers Are Killing Themselves - YouTube

typical brainwashed wwe-fan boy rhetoric, thinking that wcw didnt pop until the nwo.

ted turner wasnt running the daily operation, so it doesnt matter whether or not he understood the wrestling biz. the funny thing is that the wwe is known for not having wrestling people in power. yet, theyre the ones youre biggin up.

i dont normally do this, but i had to 1-star this thread. terrible.

:comeon: Nah breh you cant blame the wrestlers for doing what they did to keep themselves on top. Blame the people at the top who allowed it. If there was a figurehead like vince in WCW that never wouldve happened


put vince in charge, and you have triple h marathons on nitro every week. at least the inmates that ran the asylum in wcw were actual draws, unlike the wwf where the kliq played crazy politics while generating no money.

not to mention that when the idea was for the wwf to keep wcw going, the plan was for people like billy gunn & test to be main eventers on the wcw show.

and look at the wwe now. you look at the main event scene and you see garbage wrestlers like the miz and sheamus as main eventers simply because one guy did reality tv while the other is friends with triple h.

and this is with whom you want to place your faith?

Sounds like some of you have completely forgot about how awful WCW was in the 21st Century...WCW was doing completely shyt numbers and was a HORRIBLE promotion at the you naysayers even remember the Goldberg/Nash/Russo "shoot" angle?

Goldberg refuses to follow the script! - YouTube

A lot of wrestlers were given futures that they wouldn't have had if the company simply folded like it would have eventually did.

I'm not saying that Vince killing other promotions didn't do a disservice to wrestling, but WCW (and ECW) were different. It was beneficial, no doubt (ECW being another one, as it had went bankrupt, but now we see that it has more of a legacy had it simply just faded away, IMHO)

WCW had been hemorrhaging tens of millions of dollars for YEARS. If anything, it hurt WWE to buy those companies because it made the roster ridiculously huge.

Competition is always great, but these rival promotions couldn't compete for a reason.
It was actually good for wrestling that WWF bought WCW & ECW, IMHO...

lol. how many wcw & ecw guys actually had legitimate futures in the wwe? they squashed just about everybody, and downplayed the guys that they couldnt completely squash. very few actually had futures in the wwf. most guys ended up in tna, wwa, xwf, or overseas. and its virtually impossible for any other american company to break into the mainstream because of the propaganda effect that the wwe has on its casual audience. your average wwe viewer isnt even interested in giving another company a chance, even if they have a better product. yet, this is good for the industry?

wcw on its death-bed was pulling better ratings than the wwe generally does these days, and thats not even counting the fact that theres no other wrestling show on monday & thurday nights taking away from the wwe's pissy-poor ratings. and it was a better product than what the wwe has been churning out for the past 6 years as well. thats not saying much but still. their matches were still dope. and their pay-per view run in 2000 was very dope. i regret not watching them back in the day.

it was basically the death of wrestling. mainstream wrestling is a joke now, and its only a matter of time before the indies eventually go to chit as well. even TNA had to dumb they whole promotion down just to stay afloat.

and lets not act as if the wwe was doing the wrestling world a favor. they caught a good deal, being the beneficiary of suits selling wcw just to spite ted turner. people never talk about this or the fact that bishoff had a team lined up, ready to buy that chit. they werent on the verge of folding like you claim. im sure they were in better standing than mid '90s wwf, and they certainly had more money behind them.


Jun 3, 2012
McMahon no longer having the legit competition That WCW provided has proven to be a detriment to the business in general. Even if you weren't a fan of the company, you got to admit that them not being around anymore has been a huge negative for wrestling.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012

put vince in charge, and you have triple h marathons on nitro every week. at least the inmates that ran the asylum in wcw were actual draws, unlike the wwf where the kliq played crazy politics while generating no money.

not to mention that when the idea was for the wwf to keep wcw going, the plan was for people like billy gunn & test to be main eventers on the wcw show.

and look at the wwe now. you look at the main event scene and you see garbage wrestlers like the miz and sheamus as main eventers simply because one guy did reality tv while the other is friends with triple h.

and this is with whom you want to place your faith?


HHH marathons? HHH didnt get to the top of the card until 2000 and it was well deserved. At the height of the monday night wars the kliq didnt have as much as say in WWF, as it was only HHH/Pac. Vince knows how to make stars

And the fact that you're saying today's Main eventers aren't as great comes as a direct result of not being able to hone your craft before being called up. No other territories/companies to build in

And on top of everything else. Vince is still in Business


May 4, 2012
HHH marathons? HHH didnt get to the top of the card until 2000 and it was well deserved. At the height of the monday night wars the kliq didnt have as much as say in WWF, as it was only HHH/Pac. Vince knows how to make stars

And the fact that you're saying today's Main eventers aren't as great comes as a direct result of not being able to hone your craft before being called up. No other territories/companies to build in

And on top of everything else. Vince is still in Business

Them crushing WCW and ECW during that whole Invasion angle was horrible for business brehs. Imagine if they owned the competition and had multiple promotions...they could've had a PG promotion (WWE), a promotion that could draw in the south (WCW) and a promotion for the adult audience (ECW). They could've had made tons of stars by now, and we wouldn't have to endure that horrible 5-6 year span where HHH went over everybody.

Instead it's 2013, and we still relying on a hobbled Taker, HHH, Rock to carry WWE.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
im not a fan of the idea that the wwe would be good if they currently had a mainstream counterpart either.

i remember numerous years where the wwf's product was trash, even when wcw,ecw,etc was around. and the majority of the time, the wwf didnt put out the best product neither, even when they were hot.

Brad Piff

The Money & The Miles
May 1, 2012
San Diego
WCW stopped being competition in 99 and some of WWEs best years were 99, 2000 & 2001 while WCW was still around..


All Star
Jul 12, 2012
McMahon always says "anything for the business" but that apparently excludes getting over personal vendettas. They had the biggest angle of all time in the palm of their hands and they blew it because Vince was too scared to portray the WCW guys as any threat even though he OWNED THEM.

Petty, childish crap like that prevented a once in a lifetime wrestling angle. Seriously, there'll likely never be a situation like that again.

And yeah, wrestling has been on a steady, gradual decline since then.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
HHH marathons? HHH didnt get to the top of the card until 2000 and it was well deserved. At the height of the monday night wars the kliq didnt have as much as say in WWF, as it was only HHH/Pac. Vince knows how to make stars

And the fact that you're saying today's Main eventers aren't as great comes as a direct result of not being able to hone your craft before being called up. No other territories/companies to build in

And on top of everything else. Vince is still in Business

:what: who cares how many kliq members were still in the wwf a the height of the monday night wars? what the hell does that have to do with what i said?

and homie, vince always had a hard-on for hhh, even before he made steph wet. they were pushing him heavy since '96 and nobody knew why. and i see that youre conveniently ignoring the fact that hhh was a main eventer before 2000 and had that wack run as champ in '99.

LOL @ THE TERRITORY EXCUSE. why hasnt TNA ever had a problem with match quality?:whistle: youre making excuses for mediocrity.

and why do people act as if the territories were d-league status? as if they had a call-up system. the territories were legitimate promotions. they werent OVW or DSW. alot of the territories were hotter than the wwf. they certainly had higher quality matches. chit, the wwf had wack @$$ wrestling back then even. this whole idea that the wwe's match quality is down because they cant leech off the territories anymore is some chit yall got from watching the legends roundtable. territories became extinct like 25 years ago b.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
:what: who cares how many kliq members were still in the wwf a the height of the monday night wars? what the hell does that have to do with what i said?

and homie, vince always had a hard-on for hhh, even before he made steph wet. they were pushing him heavy since '96 and nobody knew why. and i see that youre conveniently ignoring the fact that hhh was a main eventer before 2000 and had that wack run as champ in '99.

LOL @ THE TERRITORY EXCUSE. why hasnt TNA ever had a problem with match quality?:whistle: youre making excuses for mediocrity.

and why do people act as if the territories were d-league status? as if they had a call-up system. the territories were legitimate promotions. they werent OVW or DSW. alot of the territories were hotter than the wwf. they certainly had higher quality matches. chit, the wwf had wack @$$ wrestling back then even. this whole idea that the wwe's match quality is down because they cant leech off the territories anymore is some chit yall got from watching the legends roundtable. territories became extinct like 25 years ago b.

You said the kliq was running the wwf and losing money. :ufdup:
The top stars were Austin, Rock, Taker, Vince

HHH's run in late 99 was his first run and it wasnt wack breh, he was the top heel in the industry

TNA hasnt EVER had a problem with match quality? Last rights match, __ on a pole match, Reverse battle royals, Jeff Hardy vs Sting


and everything you said in the last paragraph i said agree with, the territories were legit promotions where wrestlers went to hone their craft before going to WCW/WWF.


Aug 16, 2012
McMahon always says "anything for the business" but that apparently excludes getting over personal vendettas. They had the biggest angle of all time in the palm of their hands and they blew it because Vince was too scared to portray the WCW guys as any threat even though he OWNED THEM.

Petty, childish crap like that prevented a once in a lifetime wrestling angle. Seriously, there'll likely never be a situation like that again.

And yeah, wrestling has been on a steady, gradual decline since then.

Well honestly, the major stars like steiner,nash,goldberg,sting ETC...had the option of going to WWE or letting their contracts run up and get their money. thats why guys like flair and steiner nash and goldberg all showed up much later on. but then again WWE fukked up cuz they had the chance to wait to be able to sign those guys, but instead they just rushed straight into that corny invasion. i mean the fuuckin leader of WCW was steve austin. a guy who been on top of WWF for years at that point :heh:


All Star
May 2, 2012
WCW dying was a great day for wrestling, it had been garbage for 2 years at that point
Actually they were turning things around at that point.

WCW from January 2001 - March 2001 was putting on some entertaining shows. Better than anything from 1999-2000, IMO. They had a great young pool of talent who had potential, mixed in with some veterans.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Vince firing that bytch ass loser Jeff Jarrett and lex luger was the GOAT DEAVORS :demonic:

and you were actually impressed by that petty chit?


You said the kliq was running the wwf and losing money. :ufdup:
The top stars were Austin, Rock, Taker, Vince

HHH's run in late 99 was his first run and it wasnt wack breh, he was the top heel in the industry

TNA hasnt EVER had a problem with match quality? Last rights match, __ on a pole match, Reverse battle royals, Jeff Hardy vs Sting


and everything you said in the last paragraph i said agree with, the territories were legit promotions where wrestlers went to hone their craft before going to WCW/WWF.

i see that youre just playing stupid. the kliq ran rampant in the wwf in the mid-90s, which was its darkest period financially. youre looking silly right now, talking about a time period when most of them werent even there. cut it out, unless vince is cutting your checks........also, none of them ever drew sticks in the wwf/wwe. at least the inmates that ran the asylum in wcw were generating dollars.

hhh's 1st run was a flop homie.

as for the TNA comment, youre playing stupid again. im not even gonna bother wasting my time responding to that.

you dont get it. the territories werent some minor league system for guys to get called up to wwf & wcw.....wcw didnt even exist until the territories were all but dead. i'd liken the territories to that of say, ecw.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
and you were actually impressed by that petty chit?


i see that youre just playing stupid. the kliq ran rampant in the wwf in the mid-90s, which was its darkets period financially. youre looking silly right now, talking about a time period when most of them werent even there. cut it out, unless vince is cutting your checks.

hhh's 1st run was a flop homie.

as for the TNA comment, youre playing stupid again. im not even gonna bother wasting my time responding to that.

you dont get it. the territories werent some minor league system for guys to get called up to wwf & wcw.....wcw didnt even exist until the territories were all but dead. i'd liken the territories to that of say, ecw.

Im the one looking silly? WCW didnt exist until the territories were dead? The kliq ran rampant in 95, 95 was the height for the wwf?
