These dudes saying, “stop making Vince out as the bad guy.

” Is
Cokeboy cut dozens of people for 4 million dollars so he can give it to Brock and Goldberg for 4 appearances in the next few months.
Saving money? GTFOH.
Source? This is business 101 yet you little children that are stuck in your wrestling bubble thinks this has something to do with creative and booking decisions.
nikkas. Do. Not. Know. When. There. Will. Be. nikkas. Buying. Tickets. Again.
Only money being made is from TV Rights which is why they are doing their damndest to not be finessed by NBCUniversal or Fox on and Network subscriptions.
If nikkas are not buying tix to Raw, Smackdown, Takeover, Pay Per Views, Live Events etc... that means zero revenue! Also means merch sales decrease!
So they supposed to keep 100 nikkas on staff because you think they're workrate is top notch?
No, you children and nonsensical marks need to GTFOH.