Vince with Important Company Update: Major cuts, DEAVORS


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Pretty much, but it’s mostly that way cause a good amount of them were presented as losers outside of Lio Rush (who would be a superstar if he was even Daniel Bryan’s size). Rusev continuously got himself over no matter what character he played and they punished him for it. Same with Zack Ryder, but he’s been a lost guy for a long time despite the crowds still reacting to him, even 7 years after he peaked. Good Brothers were one of the hottest teams on the planet, and the WWE turned them into two bald losers that are friends with AJ. EC3 developed a really good character when he went to TNA, making himself a big bright spot in the company, came to NXT and had fans behind him, then brought him up to the main roster and outside of beating a departing Dean Ambrose, his character was completely assassinated and turned into a joke. This is just the WWE being the WWE. They’ll give you a shyt sandwich then punish you cause it doesn’t taste good. So it’s not a surprise some of these guys have been released, but some of them deserved far better than what they got.
I completely agree. The WWE is complicit in a lot of wrestlers not getting over, but i'm just looking at the some of the people who i felt were overhyped to begin with. This is all Vince's fault because he's doing exactly what the 2 presidents he fired told him to do a while ago. They told him the XFL was a bad idea and that they shouldn't be paying C level talent just to keep them away from other companies. Everyone but Vince knows exactly what needs to be done but Vince is still damn stubborn.
He basically said Vince is small fries compared to Khan (AEW) and Sinclair (ROH) money bank. :heh:

Anthem probably worth more.
They don't cost as much to operate, AEW is the only legit competition and even that is more Tony's money than his father's money.
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All Star
May 23, 2012
I don't know why, Puerto Rican wrestling is fukking terrible. Both WWC and IWA.

Beats me. My only guess is for match collections on the network. It's the only reason I can think of why they are still arrive. They don't even show up for tv anymore, lol