pico pal q lee
It was only a matter of time

According to Meltzer, Shawn Michaels was talking about Daniel Bryan in this interview (Dave also said he asked and people in the company confirmed it was D-Bry)
Then Meltz goes into panic mode in the WON:

Wasn't Punk losing viewers in the overrun last year? (or at least having worse gains?) and wasn't Meltzer all doom and gloom about his push for a long ass time until it was undeniable Punk was the 1B to Cena's 1A?
I guess we'll have to wait till Summerslam, bros :cena:

According to Meltzer, Shawn Michaels was talking about Daniel Bryan in this interview (Dave also said he asked and people in the company confirmed it was D-Bry)
Shawn Michaels recently sat down for an interview with the Ministry of Slam wrestling radio show. Michaels reflected on a recent meeting with Vince McMahon. Below is a transcript:
A multi-time World Champion over his lengthy in-ring career, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels has done it all in the professional wrestling industry. Since retiring in 2010, HBK has concentrated on his outdoor activity show, MacMillan River Adventures, as well as spending increased periods of time with his family.
During a recent interview with the Ministry Of Slam wrestling radio show, Michaels noted a recent exchange between WWE head honcho, Vince McMahon and himself. Going further, “The Showstopper” talks his awareness of not having the typical frame of what is considered a main event talent in WWE.
“I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with the man in charge”, Michaels stated, “and we were talking about a certain individual and he goes, ‘I just don’t see money in him.’ And I said, ‘You said the same thing about me.’ He said, ‘I did not.’ I said, ‘Yes you did!’ (laughs) I said, ‘And it’s okay. It’s just one of those things.’”
“I wasn’t your prototypical – heck, I wasn’t anybody’s prototypical main event guy, and I knew that. So, you just do your absolute best. Yes, I was very scared and very worried, which had a lot to do with how bad I handled stuff. I spent a great deal of my career waiting for the other shoe to drop, because it was a very real view of me and my ability and talent. I’m a firm believer that talent does rise to the top, but you have to be patient. So, I spent a great deal of time worried, intimidated, and concerned that with each passing storyline, it might be the last one.”
To hear the full interview, please visit Ministry Of Slam
Then Meltz goes into panic mode in the WON:
The story of the show isn’t one that a lot of people will want to hear. It was a risk building the show around Daniel Bryan as the main character no matter how loud those in the building cheer for him. And his street fight with Randy Orton did a terrible overrun number, coming off it being the main event on the least watched non-holiday Smackdown show since it started airing on Syfy. For people who complain about John Cena, as a general rule, his segments deliver, particularly in the main event slot.
In the segment-by-segment, the opening segment with Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton on the mic and having their short first match did a 2.82 open which is very weak. Sheamus & Christian vs. Cody Rhodes & Damian Sandow and Kaitlyn vs. Aksana lost 124,000 viewers. The A.J. Lee promo making fun of Kaitlyn and a replay of the Mark Henry/Cena angle plus a Wyatt Family vignette lost 198,000 viewers to a show-low 2.59 quarter. Chris Jericho vs. Alberto del Rio gained 333,000 viewers. The post-match Jericho/Dolph Ziggler/Del Rio stuff and the reveal of the WWE video game cover at 9 p.m. gained 361,000 viewers to a 3.10. Ryback vs. Great Khali lost 217,000 viewers. The John Cena interview gained 235,000 viewers. Brodus Clay & Sweet T vs. Usos vs. Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal and Paul Heyman’s beginning of his interview gained 19,000 viewers. The Heyman/C.M. Punk segment gained 117,000 viewers at 10 p.m. to a show high 3.21 quarter. Punk vs. Darren Young and the post-match lost 598,000 viewers. Stephanie McMahon announcing the Money in the Bank participants, and backstage with Chris Jericho, Ryback and Vickie Guerrero and Punk and Heyman gained 136,000 viewers. The Orton vs. Bryan street fight gained 104,000 viewers, one of the lowest main event gains of the year, finishing at a 2.92 overrun.

Wasn't Punk losing viewers in the overrun last year? (or at least having worse gains?) and wasn't Meltzer all doom and gloom about his push for a long ass time until it was undeniable Punk was the 1B to Cena's 1A?
I guess we'll have to wait till Summerslam, bros :cena: