Vince bringing in the NWO to kill the company in storyline actually killed the company in reality

May 20, 2012
Austin not willing to do business with Scott Hall is what ended it before it could really cook.

Rock/Hogan was the end of the magic of WWF.
This. In Prichard podcast, he told the story of hall being on Antabuse. After hearing the story and rewatchimg it, I can see he was kind of out of it. In JRs podcast, he tried to justified stone colds unprofessional ass conduct by implying hall wasnt high tier. Thats insane, hall had the charisma, mic work and when motivated the in ring work to go up with anyone. In the late 90s he was nearly as over as anyone else.

On a larger level, it was said that for both the invasion angle and the nwo angle, the wwe stars didn't want wcw to go over bc they tried to run them out of business. This is the stupid rationale I've ever heard of. 1) the angle doesn't work if the wcw guys don't win bc the fans are expecting wwe to go over and the wcw guys aren't established as a threat until the do so. Therefore when wwe eventually did, it was predictable and wcw wasnt built up enough to elevate wwe in doing so 2) ITS ON WWE PROGRAMMING SO THE WWE WINs REGARDLESS. The fan of today isn't going to go, well wcw was really better bc they won...they are aware of the dynamic that wcw is owned by wwe. This isnt like ecw invasion. And even if they did, wwe is the benefactor by ratings. These wrasslers take themselves so serious they spite themselves.


All Star
May 10, 2012
Ratings have literally been in decline since the night after WM 17. Even this thread is a joke, obviously the NWO didn't kill WWE. It just happens I just watched that promo and it made me lol. The boom-bust cycle of the wrestling industry goes back to at least the dawn of television and I'd imagine probably happened in the pre-TV days as well. The reality is the Attitude Era was such an aberration that the industry in America didn't stabilize back to normal until the past 2-3 years. In the past, it was more like an 8-10 year decline and then big spike of popularity, but in AE case, it's been 20 years to get back to baseline.

Except in this era there are a billion more entertainment sources and a significant chunk of the wrestling audience didn't continue with WWE, didn't come back for TNA, didn't come back for ROH, and haven't come back for AEW. Jerry Spring and Maury aren't doing the ratings they were doing in 1999, either. That audience changed, the appetite for that style changed, the culture moved on and we're back to what it was like pre-Hulkamania or 1991-1992.
Thats cool and all..I agree for the most part..the downturn may have started post WM 17 but Cena rise and continued super push killed off whatever entertainment value they had and they never recovered either, they tried to coast off the good will of the Attitude era while not listening to their fan base...Cena should have never been the guy for that long and to make shyt even worse they did the same shyt with Reigns..another bum who can be entertaining but should been a IC champ at best. Which is why they find themselves in the position they are in now..a roster full of ex TNA bums and indy nerds and a dying product. shyt can't die quick enough for me personally.

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
If anything it let people know that Vince is a one trick pony who stumbled into the attitude era while it was propped up by his son and to a smaller degree than most people think, Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara.

Vince is not a competent booker. He is on the Ole Anderson tier (if that) but he is great at making his shyt ideas look big time and polished. Fumbling the rehashing of the storyline that nearly put him out of business exposed him greatly. Vince has been living off of the good faith he had in the 80's for 30 years. And the decline in interest shows this.

So yeah the NWO was the figurehead but it was Vince gaining full contol of the wrestling business in the US that the shark was jumped.

Tres Leches

Empire Business
May 6, 2012
What did you expect hogan was old as fukk Nash brittle and hall drinking problem :yeshrug:

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
Thats cool and all..I agree for the most part..the downturn may have started post WM 17 but Cena rise and continued super push killed off whatever entertainment value they had and they never recovered either, they tried to coast off the good will of the Attitude era while not listening to their fan base...Cena should have never been the guy for that long and to make shyt even worse they did the same shyt with Reigns..another bum who can be entertaining but should been a IC champ at best. Which is why they find themselves in the position they are in now..a roster full of ex TNA bums and indy nerds and a dying product. shyt can't die quick enough for me personally.

Cena would not have been a problem if they didn’t push him at the expense of everybody else. The WWE beat it into fans heads that Cena was THE guy and no one else mattered.