Hopefully that Netflix bag will be lucrative enough for them to make the show better.
I always thought that being on the History Channel really hinder the growth. All them historical battles look like small skirmishes compare to what HBO gave GoT.
"Favorite Viking show"? If I didn't already mention it in "The Last Kingdom" thread, I'm no longer in denial that TLK is better than "Vikings".
As far this upcoming "Vikings" spinoff series on Netflix, I hope it's at least as good as the first 3 seasons of "Vikings" so it's worth watching &hopefully they have PAWGin' black vikings on the show:
I bailed out after S1 cuz it felt too PG for me...come to find out recently that the bluray set is completely uncensored and there’s more nudity/violence...almost along the lines of spartacus...debating buying the S1-5 set...I heard in every country outside of the US...they air the uncensored version smh...a show about vikings should be totally unadulterated