Just finished part 2, that closing shot 
I will say to the end, the series was able to deliver some amazing visuals. One of the best looking shows I've watched lately with a lot of shots having me wondering how they filmed that
. The show remained great at staging death scenes and ceremony. Some more detailed thoughts

I will say to the end, the series was able to deliver some amazing visuals. One of the best looking shows I've watched lately with a lot of shots having me wondering how they filmed that

Harold spent all that time wanting to be King of Norway, when he finally got the crown couldn't even enjoy it 
Edge really played the WWE heel role on the show, him screaming on top of the whale
When Tovi lost her daughter during the storm and they showed flashes of a serpent monster
Alfred's wife giving him grief all the time
Bjorn's wife killing herself to get away from the fukkery
Ingrid blinding Erik
, dude was a snake
Ubbe reuniting with Floki in the new world

Edge really played the WWE heel role on the show, him screaming on top of the whale

When Tovi lost her daughter during the storm and they showed flashes of a serpent monster

Alfred's wife giving him grief all the time

Bjorn's wife killing herself to get away from the fukkery

Ingrid blinding Erik

Ubbe reuniting with Floki in the new world