You dislike Umar.
Yes, I dislike Umar as an individual due to his messages of segregation rather than unity. he even shyts on members of the Black community with things such as calling foul upon the choice of women or men a person choices to date. it is very very counter-productive to bring about a unity of the masses. how can you try and be a leader of your people by shytting on them? he is in essence and effect completing the goals that racist hate filled individuals are trying to bring about.
Would you agree with the message in the OP if it was spoken by somebody you thought had a better character than Umar or would u still disagree with the message itself.
No, it would matter not who said the ignorant message being broadcasted by Umar. My Father could have said this and I'd look at him in the same dislike I do Umar. the message is not an accurate nor an intelligent one.